Vahiro, Toa of Gravity

(throws brick at computer)

Vahiro is a strong and Intelligent, seen as a commander to many Matoran and Toa.

The stud shooter in his hammer can fire by rotating the piece itself.

Because of the trust the Toa had for him he was tasked with training Veimah,
during her training a mistimed gravity pulse hit her damaging some of her body beyond repair.

WIP purple Veimah

After her recovery she vanished and swore revenge on him. She built herself life support machinery to keep her from exhausting her self and to impose more physical power than him. Vahiro follows after her trying to put a stop to her through non-violent ways.

But it never works…

Here’s a shot of the hammer alone.

Skeletal shots.

The hammer is so heavy it ripped off his arm, and its too heavy for the hip joint -_-

Tell me guys what you think I can improve? I’ll place round tiles over those studs on the skrall armor, and probably replace the chest with a black one.


i love it, and i’m not sure why


Impressive torso design! Sleek and athletic,like this guy could use a well timed gravity pulse to rocket off the ground.
Mind if I use it in a MOC?I’ll give credit :slight_smile:

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The torso? Sure, it started off as a lewa Uniter torso revamp anyway. And that gravity pulse idea is amazing to imagine!

really cool but he needs an ammo rack on his other thigh just cos

I can’t really find anything wrong with this. I mean, the weapon Is cool, the colors are well distributed, and the photography is pretty good as well. Great work!

I quite like the look of this.


(buys another Onua for the second wheel and more trans purple parts)

yeah cause he only brings 3 trans purple standard limbs which makes me rage and want to kill people cause I want an even number.


wise investment XD

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It looks very good!
the colors really win it over for being such a simple build (in the limbs) and the weapon is also great!
Great job!


I like it! :grin:
######that is all


I kinda feel like it needs more meat in the hips and chest. But I really like the general model and color scheme.


Heres a MOC slideshow I made of him cause a friend said I should, tell me what I could make better for future slideshows.

I really like this MOC. The build is complex but not cluttered and ugly, the color scheme is great, and the weapon is pretty cool.

Keep up the good work!

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for the shoulder fix, one way you may not like is to modify a three long axel with stud end to shave off the stud top to allow for more free movement

Not sure if you missed out the 2016 sets but this part exists
I just don’t own any

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want. so. bad.