UPDATE: I took apart Vuhii recently because I’m going to try and make him into a Matoran, so I can conserve parts.
Hoboy it’s a triple post.
I’ve been working on a MOC of @Chro for a few days now, but I’ve been away from my laptop so I couldn’t update any of y’all.
oh baby a triple
(sounds awesome, can’t wait)
Album’d my eyepiece tutorial for @Political_Slime
Thanks bud
UPDATE: The MOC of @Chro is on hiatus until I figure out how to arms.
In other news, I updated my own self-MOC, which is starting to look a bit like the Arbiter.
Meet Vuhii 6.0.
Random hero pose.
Random victory pose.
Obligatory Nyran shot because that’s what the cool kids are doing nowadays.
hey it’s Arbiter Vuhii
Hey! HaloWars!Arbiter!Vuhii is pretty cool.
So, from what I can see, this MOC shows a lot of promise. I feel as though I should give my full, honest opinion on this.
Firstly, the head. I realize what you’re trying to do, but I’m not too sure I’m a fan. It looks really slapped together, and could be pulled off a lot better. Also, the Rhode has been used so many times, I rank it with the Avohkii and Hau in the overkill department. But that’s just my opinion.
Next is the legs. They get the job done, but I can’t help but feel they’re lazily done There’s a lack of flow, a lack of shaping in them that makes them appear as though they’re not organic. I’m assuming he’s a robot, and he doesn’t follow human proportions, but that’s just my opinion. I’m not a fan of how skimpy the upper legs are. I feel as though they should have SOME form of armoring to them, but that’s just me. I would probably change the lower leg design a bit, and add armoring to the upper legs to help the flow.
Next we have the arms, which are in my opinion, the most lazy part of this. Firstly, the light grey lift arms on the upper arms are incredibly distracting, and the skinniness of it REALLY kills the feel of it. You could easily change the lift arms to black and make the upper arm armor more bulky. The lower arms are stock CCBS, which is fine, but it doesn’t fit the legs when it comes to how things are colored. Also, the lack of thumbs on the hands REALLY bothers me, and is one of me pet peeves with MOCing. When a MOCist does not give their creations thumbs, it really aggravates me, and it looks incredibly lazy. The weapons as well, while nice looking, do feel lazy also. I’m not a fan of the yellow connectors as well. Furthermore, the arms could be shortened as to help the proportions fit better. Overall, the color feels lazily done and the arms could use more armor/work.
Lastly, we have the torso. The torso, in my honest opinion, has no flow, no shape, and no sense of bulk. It feels incredibly weak compared to the bulky legs, and it really doesn’t look well thought out. The blue is also very distracting, and it could probably be easily replaced. The shoulders are also bare and lack any form of armoring. There are two good axle holes that could connect shoulder armor. It’s just a way to fix the problem. The sides are what bother me the most though. Vuhii is so skinny in his torso, and (this is a personal preference), I feel like a V shaped torso would work better than a T shaped torso. It would pull off the look WAY better than what this is doing. I feel a change of armor, and a better-flowing/thought out torso design would do the MOC wonders, and really bring forth a bulky, empowering look.
The MOC itself, completely, I have one problem with EVERYTHING… and that is the textures. Using G1 parts as the armor mainly, and 2 parts of CCBS, REALLY messed up the textures, and it looks cluttered and awful. This is all personal opinion though, and a lot of people might disagree, but I feel as though the MOC would benefit from consistent textures.
Overall, the MOC has some problems, but at the end of the day, it’s still a surprisingly really nice MOC. I like the concepts, and I see potential, it just needs a bit more polishing before it can get there.
looks cool…
why has everyone started putting an H in Rode ._.
And why does everything with Axonn get misspelled…
The rhode?
This looks radical
Since @anon90160534 and I are clearly best friends irl now, I decided to make him a MOC. I personally think It’s the best MOC I’ve ever created.
The intense MLGness of this MOC will kill your family, and then bring them back. It is the holy one.
Oh, and one more thing:
Jook Sonyu.
Dat Slizer Arm tho
Is that a reference to the thing I think you’re referencing?
cowers in corner
obligatory LEGO Universe name pun
Needs “deal with it” glasses, an “obey” hat, and w33d. Not to mention a scythe and a Pakari, along with Rorzakh’s Vahki staffs.
I am dissapoint… kinda. It’s alright, it just needs those things to be the ultimate bloke.
5/10 for non-purist net.
I wish I had that slizer arm ;-;
I really like our mocs,especially the ones portraying members of the boards
Who knows,maybe one day i will have that honour as well :3
Umm… thats from hobbit set with spiders as far as i know, Rise