Warhammer: Age of Sigmar

Warhammer fantasy battles is no more. The warhammer world literally blew up. A new game has arisen. Now, it has points values, several play modes, great art, great models, some questionable lore ideas, and more. I personally just played some, and loved it.

Do you love it? Do you hate it? Want to try it out?


I prefer 40K, but me and a friend split the starter box. I am the Warbands of Khorne owner, and he owns the good guys. The figures themselves look really good, but so do all the new figures games workshop released in the past year.


The minis definitely look good, and the game is fairly engaging in small scales, and is good for a quick skirmish.

Unfortunately, compared to Warhammer, it simply can’t match the calibre of the gameplay, or even the scale. WHFB had mechanics for playing games from as low as 500pts, through to several thousands of points, without anything becoming tedious. However, with AOS fixation with individual models, without even the same type of squad movement as 40k, makes games more than 500pts incredibly tedious.

In addition, measuring from the model instead of the base simply makes no sense, and leads to things like all your lizardmen spinning their way up the battlefield.

I actually played my first game with 1000 points. With a skaven army. One of the most numbers-dense armies. And it was fine.
Funny enough, while it is a bit tedious, I just field them as a block, then just move one the right distance and try and move the rest in the same areas. It’s not perfect, but it was annoying before if you had no movement trays to move them together.
All in all, I think people who purposefully do that aren’t playing the game right. It’s not about exploiting gaps in the rules, it’s about having fun and killing enemies.


True. And I’m not saying it can’t be fun, but whereas the rules for WHFB were designed to not leave this sort of thing open, the rules for AOS have these sorts of flaws. I do have yet to find anyone who actually does it, but the fact that it is there highlights a completely unnecessary facet of the game.

I wanna get into this, I believe I’ll play chaos, the simplicity of the game may allow me to lure some of my friends in too