Weirdest gift you ever got

That’s like, reverse Iron Man 3 :joy:
“its a giant bunny! deal with it!”

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One of my friends did this during a white elephant(I think that’s what it’s called) / secret Santa.

As for weirdest gift give me a second I got try and remember one.

Edit: Alright remembered one. Sadly I don’t have it any more but I’ll do my best to recreate it…aaannnnd presto

It’s nowhere near close to capturing the true beauty of the original that my older sister gave me

I got a coconut carved into a monkey, I use it to store my loose change.

Oh yeah… and a cup made in the shape of a clown

My gf gave me a giant stuffed money

Well, they did once or twice I think. You could probably ask Ghid about them.

… wait.

I’m going to say this thing is the weirdest gift I ever got:


I think EmperorDuckie got something weird, like a giant stuffed monkey, I could be wrong though. He used to post about it a lot, even brought it up three times in the same topic once.


my condolences :pensive: would never wish that on my worst enemy


Math clock. It shows you the time, but only by solving some math.
For example, when it’s 18:36, the clock would show:

43 - 25
6 x 6

or some other math similar to this.