Whaddon Toa Of Poison

The idea behind Whaddon is that he is a hybrid of Toa and Bohrok, i know it may not look it but thats what i was going for, he is kind of a anti hero as he fights for both sides But mainly for good, He gets his name “Toa of Posion” from when he became a hybrid, as he is the only one of this toa team who was an actual being before, he was a protector of ice, and apprentice to Kopaka, but after Kopaka’s death it was his duty to be the next Toa, but he had his torso slit in half by the Rahkshi Lerahk, poisoning his body, just before his death, Origan Found Him Laying there and felt sorry for him, looking for a new recruit, and the first of his new Toa team, so he infected him with his blood, Whaddon started to mutate and his lower body became one long tale. Whaddon is the Moral compass to the group, making sure they do not stray to the darkness, he is also the comedic value of the team
Gender: Male
Species: Toa/Bohrok
Element: Poison
Thanks To @Whaddon for the color idea !!! You are know a part of the Toa Team !


I was suprised that I had a Medusa style body but I love it still (I Imagine a Centaur next)
Anyway are you thinking of giving your team Weapons? ( I don’t know if I will have any since I could just launch poison from my hands I guess)

I can’t wait to see more as you Engrave your name into TTV Message Boards History


That’s sssssssssssssuper nicccccccccce but seriously this is a great MOC and paint job!

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I know I am going to get flak for saying this, but that paint job overwrites all possible cons this MOC could have.

10/10…and if you want me to include stuff about the build, 9.5/10. But yeah, definitely 10/10 from me. I don’t care what anyone says, that paint job is amazing.


Love the build and the colour scheme! Fantastic paint job!
I just wish he had a Toa Tool, though.
Good job!

AGAIN! You never fail to impress me.

The concept is very well laid out, and exellently executed. +10

Painted parts. +5

Visible Red pins. -5 0
SYSTEM! -10 -5

Total: 40. You are among legendary MOCists. WOOOOOOOO! (WARNING: Opinion not professional.)


Nice paint job.

i love this m.o.c so much keep up the good work.

I miss @Plural’s quick reviews. Would love to see him review this beauty.

Hint. Hint.


The build and style’s pretty interesting, but the true star here is that paint job. Normally I’m not the biggest fan of altering pieces, but the execution is breath-takingly stylish and detailed.


My only big problem is that I don’t really feel the half-Bohrok aspect. If poison’s going to be his theme, you could always have him be a bizarre half-formed Hordika or something.

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oh my god, the painted parts here are amazing

Gotta say the paintjob really makes it shine. I’m a purist myself, but the colors and custom Akaku Nuva are really well executed here. The build is simple, but it works. The spines on the shoulders are a good touch, the only thing I’d say is a con would be the tail. I feel like it should be a bit thicker to help the gorgon theme, but that’s a small thing.

@Whaddon my next one was going to be a centaur god damm, why u always guessing ;-; and all of this toa team will have weapons except Origan , the reason they have not been made yet is just for the fact they are going to be bulked up and i want to build all of them before i make them weapons!!!
@RedHuna101 Thanks man means allot
@ChaoticTempleKnight thank you so so much man <3
@DarkWringer They will as i just stated !!! :slight_smile:
@TFM101A Hahaha Thanks !!! and ps Dragon Ball Z is my life !! after this toa team im making goku XD
@TawaOfFire Thanks !!!
@megalucario339 Thank You so much!!!
@Helioskrill Me to Hint Hint
@Cordak_the_Spooky_Makuta thanks!! and that is understandable, but i wanted to have the nuva masks as i love to paint them, they are the nicest to paint!! The bohrok concept came from Origan the Toa of possession, as you know him and Bohrok posses people XD but the only part what is actually Bohrok is the concept and the future weapons XD
@spookycheetah Yeah i agree on the tail, but i wanted to stick to flexibility on the tale, for poses and such, i did make a whole custom tale but it was not as bendy, thats were the end of the tale comes from XD


'Tis nice, good job…

But I’m Retired… Can’t I ever have peace?
[Runs to the Plural-Cave, Grabs reviewing Akaku]

Plural’s Quick Review:

  • Paint Job is Amazing
  • Like the Arms
  • Snake Tail looks interesting
  • The “T” shape Body is a bit Meh; It makes the Model look like a Glorified T :wink:
  • “Rattle” At the end of the Tail looks Meh

I would give this MOC an 8/10.

Great Job! :smiley:

Now, let me enjoy my days as a Retired Man.


Hahah thanks for that man<3 and for coming out of retirement for it :slight_smile:

dat paint job

@Whaddon hey iv got 2 of theses akaku nuva’s and both are painted the exact same, as this charter has ur name ect was wondering if you want one??? this is the one il give ya if u do,


Dude, that’s sick. Sick as an infected Kanohi. You’d have to be crazy or exceptionally humble to turn that down.

XD lol if he does not want it il probs give it away anyway mabye sell it, XD

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