Whaddon's Sketch Dump

some more art
this time with a Pen

and I have also started doing this

Just something I did yesterday

Anyway I am going to take some requests

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These look pretty good!

Can you draw Funny Valentine and D4C?

can you draw my oc donut steel

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why not
see if I can do something different[quote=“Ultimate_TChalla, post:26, topic:26979”]
can you draw my oc donut steel


that is all

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I decided to draw Blaziken today
I then went over it with pen on some tracing paper and coloured it in

I did not have a cream coloured pen on me

also this place might just become my general art dump now

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This is drawn pretty well!

so I am doing this thing called Pokecember
and what better to start it off then a favourite Ground type of mine
(first time drawing it as well)


He’s got eyes inside his eyes?

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The neck seems a bit thin at the bottom, and his right (our left) eye seems a bit low (the actual eye, not the red thing over it. But other than that, I love it! It definitely looks like Flygon.

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yeah to be told I such at drawing Pokemon
but I feel like I can get better with this drawing thing
also last time I drew a Pikachu I might’ve drawn a demon

Day 2

I tried to go for a unique pose this time
but did mess up a small bit on the head
and tis a photo due to no printer right now

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It’s alright! The feet could be rounded a bit more and the elbow blades are longer

today is more of a rough sketch for Pokecember
I was going to do a Hawlucha in one of Narancia’s iconic poses
but that failed
so I just did this
this might be the one I shall return to

day 4
finally had my printer back
and the first thing I did was make a mistake by writing the 3rd instead of the 4th
thank photoshop

also my black pen is wearing out
and it is actually suits it here

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so I might put day 5 and 6 together
since one is not my best

I tried Blaziken in more of a unique pose this time
did not come out the best
but for today
it is bug

and who does not love almost immortal but also dead bug?..


That is adorable. Love the art style!

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