We all have something that we absolutely want to be real out of the Bionicle universe. Just think about it: masks of power people use for everyday tasks, an actual city of legends, transporting canisters you can hibernate in, a toa or a matoran, heck, how about a giant robot and a fail-safe system hidden beneath the Earth? What would you want as an element of real life? Post away!!!
Personally, I actually don’t have a straight answer, but I lean towards masks.
I would want to have elemental powers, and I’d have any one of them, but preferably fire, water, or air. Also, masks in general would be great. I’m not sure how I would feel about a giant robot capable of destroying planets, though…
I’d probably have to go with mechanical upgrades to our bodies(glatorian/agori) Deus ex style, probably the most realistic since we’re almost there already.
for my least likely to happen choice, *sigh, I’m for kanohi too, I want a kakama(honestly I’m soon going to eljay-guver one out of cardboard).
Elements would be cool, but I’d like the lees dark world of Bionicle over our own. I mean seriously. You have murder and slavery in Bionicle, but this ends after the Mata Nui Robot kills Teridax. On Earth, we have terrorists who blow up buildings and try to be like Turahk. Giving others fear.
You all heard Tren Krom. The MU essentially went askew in the past 1000 years.
But nah, I dunno. I feel like all Elemental or Kanohi powers would do is make Wars more violent and brutal.
So If I had to choose, hmm…I’d prolly go with @CausticKrana’s answer.
I think I would want a mask maker and Kanoka Disks/other materials (Mataverse) so then he/she could make me any Kanohi I wanted. And I would have a Matoran helper person.
Or maybe a personal Rahkshi bodyguard. That would be cool.