What might have been

So, Bionicle has ended - personally, it was expected…only not so soon.
There was so much that could have been done, so much to explore.

So yeah…write down what you think G2 could have brought back, never did, and would be really cool.

My personal picks
-No Toa of Light, Bingzak would be a cool pic
-No new Toa teams
-No cool air fight
-Not more than 6 elements
-No more complicated villains and characters above all
-no Makuta Icarax
-no Solek-level set /s


we DID get Ketar, though.


-No playsets

I mean it goes against the conventional BIONICLE norm but it could have brought in some fans and personally I could care less if BIONICLE was an system form.


Ketar hardly met my standards for a bad set…he was mediocre at best, had more articulation than an Inika build and so on, so forth.

also another thing

No Cryoshell
No Darker theme.


Only one real titan.

And, so many fewer villians. I get that they are horde sets, but you don’t have enough sets to have the good guys fight without outnumbering the villains.


No instructions for a combo model of Makuta…


All you mention are things that should not have happened and thankfully didnt due to repeating boringness ness ness. :stuck_out_tongue:

How is having more diverse set of elements, a Toa of Light and more complicated characters boring? In my opinion adding more variety could spice G2 Up…

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Or it could be boring and confusing. Im happy with just six main elements. If you want you can do mix of two of those and call them sub-elements/abilities. But please no more confusing elements, Jungle, Stone, and Ice were enough.

We might have had a worthy successor to Bionicle if it was executed well enough to make it past year two.

But sadly it’ll never get that chance.

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By what reasoning?

What reasoning does it take that we could have possibly had the excellent theme it used to be if it was given time to evolve?

I’m mostly rambling, maybe I’m just disappointed it won’t be what it was when I was growing up. Although my opinion likely changed in the five years it was gone.

Anywho, think this through for a while and you will see that this aint as bad as it looks like for you currently.

Ekimu Was like a toa of light… and the theme is meant for children now, and what appeals to them is NOT what appealed us when we were younger…
Children nowadays like funny and cool things. They like when it is somewhat simple. I admit that when I was young I read Star Wars books instead of things meant for kids, but the general audience was not like me.

It’s not about what you think should have been, it’s what the targeted audience wants. Just face it, we are not that audience.

Because of those reasons, I think it is fine for them to have kept things simple, for the sake that they want kids to understand it.

The topic is not about that, however. but about “What MIGHT have been.” To discuss ideas that never were in G2 but you would love to see them.

I understand that, and that was not my point. I simply pointed out that some of the things you wished for have either been done already, or would never wave happened, for the reasons I stated.

Again…what MIGHT have been - not what was going to be.

It is always good to wonder, despite the chances being slim.

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The MOUP and the Vahi should have been. sigh


Mata Nui, Kiina, and Ackar never made it to Bota Magna to meet the robot dinosaurs :sob: