What organization in the matoran universe would you join?

I know a family member of mine would definitely be on board with the Nynrah Ghosts, if they were into Bionicle. As for me. I’d be down with the Pre-Teridax Brotherhood Of Makuta of the Ga-Koro guard.


…Do the Onu-Matoran who work in the Archives count? :stuck_out_tongue:


sure buddy

I’d have to say that I would be an Order agent.

I’d say the Stilts Klubb… It pays to be tall when you’re a matoran

(I know its not cannon don’t shoot me…)

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The Ta-Koro Guard! :stuck_out_tongue:


Come join the swarms, we have masks for everyone in the club


clean it all

it must be cleaned

In all seriousness though, I’d probably want to be a Toa and have a team to work with.

So the Toa army in Dark Mirror :stuck_out_tongue:

Being a Makuta in general sounds like a great offer, even if you would get murdered.


IDK whats wrong with y’all, I would just be the robot :smile:

That is an organization right?

I know this will sound biased but man would i love to be in the Dark Hunters.
Those guys were by far the coolest organization ever.
They where amoral,and taking any job that paid well enough. However, their practices were rather shadowy and violent, and they were often hired by evil groups such as the Brotherhood of Makuta.That sounds freaking awesome.Any living thing with some power could join them.Oh,and the nicknames!
But yeah,if i would be a tiny little matoran or something,i would probably try to join the Ussalry.

Uh… hm, Nynrah Ghosts?

If you were a very competent and independent Makuta you could probably avoid being murdered; they all died either because they were actually just weak, didn’t expect a betrayal, or trusted Teridax too much, etc.

Basically they’re way OP yup


Order of Mata Nui, because it sounds so cool.

That and Terrie killed most of the brotherhood.

Don’t call him that to his face :stuck_out_tongue:


I’d probably join either the Dark Hunters or the Order of Mata Nui
As a Dark Hunter, I could go on awesome assassination and heist mission, and become filthy rich! muahahahaha!
As part of the Order, I could become the ultimate crossbow marksman and pwn all the newbs.