Title says it all, but I’m also wondering what you think they should have been, in the case he had none or might think his last words weren’t so great.
Well, Makuta was on the brink of winning so an epic finishing line like From this day on, legends will retell the story of how Mata Nui has finally fallen right before being mooned.
“I’ll come back in the reboot.”
“You made an excellent effort, But they don’t remember who tried the hardest … only who won. Today, that is I. Goodbye, brother.” -Journey’s End
I think I like those as epic final words.
Matoro’s final words?
Matoro=Kopeke confirmed?
“And I would’ve gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for those meddling Stars!”
“ow my head”
“I’ve got a headache.”
“That’s going to hurt in the morning.”
You could almost say Metru-nui Rocked!
No? ok. I’ll leave now…
The same last words as FDR.
“I have a terrible headache.”
“ow a moon is in my face”
and I did mean in
It went inside of his face.
and yknow, crushed his skull a tad.
“Wait wha-?”
“My… my sons. My loyal Rahkshi, destroyed in one fell swoop? YOU DARE?!”
I mean, all his kids were murdered in an instant. That’s why he was distracted enough for Mata Nui to push him into the chunk of Aqua Magna. And they say this story was for 8 year old boys.
“a potato flew around my room”
I like to think he acted kind of like Wilson Fisk from Daredevil. “You killed my sons. All at once. They call you the hero? Even if you strike me down today, this day will be remembered by the Matoran as the day their hero died.” I can imagine that, throughout all that, Mata Nui is just filling up with rage, and, in a state of hysteria, whispers “You were my brother. Goodbye.” He slammed Makuta against Aqua Magna, and Teridax spoke his last words, slowly fading away… “I will be back. I will avenge my sons. I will destroy you.”
This was taken from my movie script of BIONICLE: Legend’s End.
“Wow m8 that hurt. I thought we were bros!”
But of course!
“I HATE MY LIFE” gets hit in the head with a planet