I like short round…
It’s been 2 years since this discussion… but, now is almost 2019, and we have more info on the movie.
The movie will be filmed in the UK stating from April 2019, wich is less then 6 mouths away. Also, they will indeed use Harrison Ford for probably his last shot before retireing.
Also there are rumors of Atlantis being the main plot of the story. That sounds great to me. Anyways, I hope Harrison will be able to play his role well enogh so It won’t be replaced. We already saw in Solo what happens when you replace Harrison Ford. While Chris Pratt would play his role well in a Indiana Jones-type movie, he will never be as good as Harrison. I think the Franchise should have this movie as it’s last one, and then end. We already saw with Star Wars what happens when you keep a franchise for too long. The new movies always get bad at some point. I just hope this does not happen to Indiana Jones.
I’d say another Judeo-Christian artifact to continue the pattern, you know, Ark of the Covenant, then some rocks, the The Holy Grail, then a skull. We get one very other movie. Also, some mention to the Young Indiana Jones TV show, not as good as the movies, but still a favorite addition of mine.
Holy Frail? I am sure you meant Holy Grail.
I know, this is what made the good one good. But other then the Holy Grail and the Ark of The Covenant, I don’t know what other Christian artifact could work. Atalintis sounds like a decent idea though.
Sorry, didn’t proof read. Atlantis was already done in a Videogame, and there are plenty of Judeo-Christian artifacts that would work, What about the “Spear of Destiny”, the spear that pierced Jesus’s side during the crucifixion, that legend also ties in King Arthur legends so we could get a cool European setting. Or what about the nails that pierced Jesus’s hands, or the original Cross. If you do the research, there are a lot of very interesting Judea-Christian artifacts to use.
I want to hear your opinion. Should they end the Franchise with this fifth movie, or should they reboot the Franchise with a different actor (Chris Pratt, most likely).
Vote below!
- End the Franchise with this last movie
- Reboot it with a different actor and keep going
0 voters