What's your favorite Kanohi in all of BIONICLE?

Google image search for Noble Huna. I dont know if there are others


I did, and I found it was done by Crunchbitenuvva on Tumblr, but, while they do seem to MOC from time to time, thereā€™s no more trible-esque masks. Hereā€™s a link: Tribal-esque Huna by me 1 hour sculpt in Zbrush... - Crunchable

The Krahkaan and the Noble Huna for looks, the Great Olisi for Power.

Noble Huna for looks, Faxon for powers.

I was a Hau Nuva guy and it was on my SelfMOC through the end of 2015 , but I now have a completely new SelfMOC with the Mask of Control.

I would say the Faxon. Just looks cool.

The Hau is my fave G1 Kanohi.
From G2, my fave mask is the Mask of Ultimate Power, or, as I call it, the Kanohi Tipua. :3

ye olde matatu

For some reason I really like Noble rurus. Specifically, the one Gali rips off of a tarakava in mnog. I donā€™t know why.

The shelek is da best

Also while technically not a mask i also like the caraper head piece in glow in the dark that came in the nocturn set

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I like the look of the Noble Matatu, but abilities wise id like the MoUP because who doesnā€™t want Ultimate Power

Iā€™ll just add this, the mask of scavenging is the best looking immoral mask.

I really like the first pakari, as well as the avohkii and the radiak.

In terms of looks: the Akaku
In terms of power: the mask of Intangibility

I like the Kualsi and Faxon,both for looks and power. Iā€™m also partial to the great Matatu.

Probably the Olmak.

The Makaya (as Iā€™ve been calling it) or Mask of Healing. I always interpreted it as having a form similar to a mix of the Noble Rau and Huna.

What does that even look like? Have you tried to depict it?

I have, and funny enough Iā€™m not the only one to depict it that way. The Noble Huna seems to be the heaviest in most interpretations, a small bit of the Rau used too. A 3D Printable version is available that does take after the Rau and Huna, but also with a smidge of the Matatu as well.


That actually looks awesome.

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