so, unlike most people
My workplace to moc is a complete mess
and its in front of my computer
so whatever
When I have an idea, I got straight to building it
I usually start from the body
Then I make the legs
then after that I make the head then the arms
I spend some quality time looking at the moc, if its alright I will post it on the boards
If its crap I scrap it/try to remake it
My workplace is also messy! My parts are in a plastic tub, so I spill them onto a bed. Yes a bed (AHH the horror of horrors of lego instruction manuals!!!) and I work from there.
Then I scoop the mback into the tub when it’s time to sleep, and spill them out again the next day XD
When building a system MOC, I make the legs, then the arms, then the head, and then the body.
As for constraction mocs… I use one of two methods:
1: make a certain limb, then build the rest of the MOC around it (I used this method for all my beast MOCs.
2: Make a basic structure, then revamp it, giving it custom limbs and stuff.
In order for number 2, I go: body, legs, body armor, arms, weapons, head, finalization.
Decide what I’m building, and what to use as inspiration.
Start with the feet and legs.
Build the arms
Build the frame, then add armor.
Decide what head to use if I haven’t already, and use it.
Add details, fill in gaps, alter things to help with articulation, make minor adjustments, ect.
Decide if it is worthy of being posted online.
7.1) If it is, take pictures of it.
7.2) If it isn’t, figure out why it isn’t, and then use it as a parts supply for later MOCs.