What's your Zodiac

Mine’s Scorpio, and it just so happens that I have a strange liking towards scorpions. Plus, I’m most excited about Skull Scorpio in the coming wave:


Mine is Virgo

Said no one ever


If Skull Grinder didn’t come with Ekimu I would

I’m a cancer. It does fit me rather well, though I don’t believe in astrology.

Edit: Also, beep beep meow

I completely understand. His tail is an abomination.

I am a Taurus. Here is how:

I was born on April 29.
I am a family man
I can be extremely stubborn
I love to laugh
I like music and working with my hands

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Scratch that.
I’m actually a Leo.

Am I the only Saritogus here? :laughing:

apparently so

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Fun fact: he’s also a teacher.

Anyhoo, I have no idea what my zodiac is. Could someone direct me to a “Find your zodiac” page?

Got you, bro.

Oh boy, I’m a Capricorn.

Sea goats unite, I guess?

I’m a Scorpio.

Scorpio bro

Who wants to talk about relationships between zodiacs and personality traits?

Born a Leo, but my sign is Cancer

August 6th

My sign is Spider-Man.


There are none.

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I’m cancer
