I think they would be like Matoran? In the pictures they don’t look that big so maybe they are Matoran, I don’t know. But if they are there are probably hundreds of them!
Perhaps it’s just a kind of nickname for Matoran, or perhaps it’s not really the actual name. It could be possible that these are just “placeholder” names, to prevent leaks or for other reasons. Or perhaps we shouldn’t really read into the setnames that were translated using Google Translate xD
I wouldn’t be suprised if there are actually small details on the masks that sets each “defender” apart from the others. And even if they all have the same mask, we know that many Matoran wore the same mask ( Nuparu, Takua,…), so to me the whole " they’re mindless drones cause they all wear the same mask !" theory doesn’t make much sense.
Everyone forgets Onepu
I think that the name “Defenders” is just the set names, but in story they will be more fleshed out, probably as actual characters rather than the equivalent of drones.
They could be defending the masks seen in the box art, or of their villages. There’s no way to tell until official bios get released (the sooner the better)
NEW THEORY all of the matoran have the same masks, so for example, when you have one ga-matoran, you have the whole population of ga-matoran. they keep having to release new ones like hahli, macku, huki, hafu, so this way, you got one, you got 'em all. Or there are only six defenders and the little spider dudes attach themselves to the defenders face to make them evil
Perhaps they are Bota Magna agori? Their masks kind of resemble Tarduk’s…
If the Defenders are not placeholder names or a reiteration of a past BIONICLE species or character, then I believe that LEGO might be doing something along the lines of Slizer/Throwbots. It was a line whose characters did not have proper names, unless you count a few exceptions.
My theory is that they are beings of elemental energy created by Artakha, that where made to defend him from an attack from The Lord of the Skull Spiders.
But failed in doing so and he has now lost his mask and the defenders have to now get it back, to not only save Artakha but to also, stop the mask from getting into the wrong hands.
And if The Lord of the skull spiders is working for makuta (or a makuta like entity) so then… well… This could be a problem.
So now these defenders have to work along side the toa (who in my theory are called masters because they have mastered their elemental powers and or the element of their new home/location) in order to get back the mask and along the way, the toa find their ultimate powers there by gaining a golden version of their current masks.
I’m beginning to believe that they might have some relation to the Baterra.
I hope these ‘defenders’ are Matoran. What would be really cool is if each defender came with a randomized mask, so if you buy multiples of each set, you could populate your village or whatever. Just a theory but it would be cool.
This topic needs to be renamed “Who ARE the Protectors?”.
Nailed it.
But yeah, not a clue who they are.
I imagine that they guard the masks.
They are confirmed to be villagers of Okoto. The specific ones we are receiving as sets are confirmed to be the village elders, akin to the Turaga.
It appears that the other Protectors (not the ones that we get in sets) are even smaller.
I believe that the “Protectors” or “Defenders” are either the police for whatever Matoran now are.
Or they protect/defend the masks… who knows?
Those spiders are odd.
I don’t think the Protector sets are the actual normal villagers of each tribe, but maybe the leader or commander or each tribe. When it comes to their names, I think they will be given actual names in the story animations, but they will just be called “protectors” on the boxes in stores, so the story doesn’t look too complicated to kids who are just getting started with Bionicle.
I have good news for you. The Protectors we’ll be getting as sets are going to be the elders and guardians of their villages.
Thank Mata Nui @Collector
BIONICLE 2015 takes place in a Pocket Dimension where the Toa are training for a new major mission. and the Protectors are just AI. That is why they’re all wearing the same masks, And. The Skull Spider’s are just stand in enemy AI that the Toa have to fend off in order to complete their training!