Who Are Your Most Powerful BIONICLE Characters (OCs)?

Heheh… I had a character like that once.


Toa Vahi. The Mask of Time incarnate. Can control every aspect of time conceivable. Wields a sword and midak skyblaster. Some possible uses of his power over time include, but are not limited to:

Time Travel

The ability to slow down and speed up time

The ability to manipulate an object’s age

The ability to observe different points in time

The ability to freeze objects in time

The ability to stop and start time

Mine would be Shaderahk: the Rahkshi of chaos, an mortal beings from the distant past. Created by Makita as the first prototype Rahkshi. Imagine Ultron with the infinity gauntlet XD . He obtain sentence and turned against his master. With control over realality and the powers of the other six Rahkshi, Shaderahk surches for his crowned Jewel… The mask of life. Giving him the power to kill all life… Till all that’s left… Is chaos

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