Who do you think is the most Bada** Dark hunter? I pick Shadow Hunter.
Ancient’s pretty rad.
If what he says is true, without a doubt Devastator.
If it isn’t true, no question The Shadowed One.
No parents (sorry that’s the first thing I thought of :P)
But personally I think Eliminator.
One word, Voporak.
Having the power to age a creature thousands of years instantly by touching them is probably the scariest power you could ever have. He also almost killed Makuta Teridax.
Nobody’s mentioned Lariska… I guess I will!
Lariska or, like @Axonn126 said, Voporak.
Shadowed One. You literally can’t compete with him. He has a fail safe if he EVER shows mercy, so he will instantly die.
I agree with @Axonn126 , Voporak I think would be the most powerful.
Technically Voporak isn’t a Dark Hunter, he’s just on loan from the Brotherhood of Makuta.
I’d say Darkness is the most powerful. As the Shadowed One’s failsafe, he’d have to be.
True, true.
Well yeah, but of course he’ll retaliate when that happens. And who’s gotta be the one to end up doing it, and thus be able to beat the Shadowed One?
Darkness. So yeah, he gets my vote too.
Am I answering to who is the most powerful or who is the most bad***?
I am not really sure about most powerful, but Lariska’s got to be up there on the bad*** side of things.
Definitely Minion.
I’ll go with Prototype. Even though he’s pretty dumb…
Ok, jK. I have to say either
I wonder what’d happen if Devastator fought Darkness?
~Onya the landlord~
I’d say Voporak is the winner. The guy is nearly invincible.
Also, don’t forget about the Shadowed One. He has laser eyes that are a one-hit kill.
I am the greatest.
^ just pointing this out again