Who is your favorite / least favorite Toa in terms of character?

My favorite personality wise is Pohatu, he just seems fun and light-hearted. He doesn’t take things or himself too seriously. My least favorite personality wise might be Matau. I might be misremembering but he seemed unnecessarily hostile/mean and kind of bullyish towards Vakama. I think Onewa was kind of like this also, but Matau seemed like the worse of the two from what I remember.

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for my favs…
Hahli, Gali , Lewa and Tuyet

Least favs
Onewa, Kongu, Helryx and Tahu

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Matoro - Chadtoro
Kongu- Two Hands + Ace Pilot
Helryx - Edgy + Cool Design
Iruini - Miserable Cynic
Tuyet - Supervillains are cool
Kualus - Beastmaster
Lewa&Matau - Discount Kongus are still based

Least Favorites
Pouks - Most Boring Hagah
Onua - Most Boring Mata
Hewkii - Most Boring Inika
Tanma - BRO, he was mean to my boy Matoro

Well, I read that link…

My eyes have been opened.

Everything has fallen into place, and that was an awesome read there. I’ve been a fan of Bionicle for as long as I can remember, and even I don’t recall it being that intricate

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Officially, it’s not; everything about citywide inter-Metru hostilities in that link is fan-theory, though it is heavily based on canon interactions between the Toa Metru, and some other characters.

However, there’s no reason I can think of that it couldn’t mesh with canon, and it definitely adds to the worldbuilding.

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Favorite Toa:

Nuparu, since he’s an inventor (who accidentally makes some rather horrifying inventions)

Jaller, because he’s just all-around cool.

Matoro, for stereotypical reasons.

Vakama and Nokama, because they feel like they’re the least stereotypical characters in the Metru Nui arc.

And my least favorite:

Matau. He’s the only character who feels like he’s perfectly one dimensional. He’s simply the comic-relief character of the Metru Nui arc, and rarely does anything to further the story.


It has gone straight to my HC

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