So who still plays Halo 5, and who would be up for map testing? With this next update there seems to be a water canvas, spartan dolls, golf clubs, new blocks and trees, which is super exciting for forgers. Personally I still make maps for the game, and enjoy it, but don’t test out my maps enough. If there’s enough people here who still play and want to try new maps, I’d love to have a lobby to test out some of my forge maps in a game night. And now that mythic shotty snipes and infection are playlist I think a game night would be fun.
So who still plays? If you do leave your gamer tag so I can add you. And if anyone is interested in making maps or testing them, I’ll take some time to set up a game night for the message boards. (Hopefully it would be less chaotic then the last game night, if a game night did happen)
Some images of one of the free-for-all maps I want to test:
My gamertag is AlightDragon968 if you aren’t comfortable with leaving yours but are still interested.