X Gon Give It To Ya

You know why the lower legs are technic based? Because lego doesn’t have a realistic leg element in the shape I need. I agree, it does take a bit of the aesthetic away, but the overall shape is more accurate. I’ll do some experimentation and see if I can get that shape with less kibble.


Knew it was gonna be this based off your Flickr.

Still, quite good. It’s impressive work although I personally don’t really like the chest outside of actual bonkle MOCs.


Too beautiful. I’d buy money for the rights of inventing it.

You’ve got to be one of the best moccists I’ve seen on the boards


When I saw this topic I was wondering what it actually would be. Nonetheless awesome MOC!

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That is very legit. If feel like I should say more, but I have nothing to add. Good job, have a cookie.

Not the biggest Easter Bunny Deadpool fan out there, but this is awesome! You did a great job making it resemble the guy himself. My only criticism is that the swords look a little small and seem to hang off a little too much, but that’s only a minor nitpick.


Exx Gon Give it to Ya


Man this is a cool MOC…I love it to the end of the world.

Edited for problematic content -legomaster

Awesome job! A skin-tight suit like this is incredibly difficult to replicate with LEGO, and you did a stellar job!

I understand that you had to make a lot of compromises with this MOC, but the sides of the upper torso seem quite gappy. Can I suppose there wasn’t any way of filling the torso out more without limiting arm articulation?


More tubes perhaps? Just a suggestion

Honestly that gap is barely noticeable irl but I guess I could throw mini signs in front of it. I like it the way it is through, allows for more sexy poses.


[quote=“Likus, post:32, topic:27285, full:true”]I like it the way it is through, allows for more sexy poses.
I would normally say that’s weird, but it is deadpool we’re talking about.


Wow! This is quite an impressive variant of Deadpool! I like the usage of parts, especially with those rahkshi spines as thighs, and the use of the Hero Factory 1.0 Torso Shell.

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the legs look kinda odd, but other than that this is gr8

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Looking at this more, I think the legs are just your standard Moc’s legs, but just flipped around. Is this the case?

But yeah this is awesome overall

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Perfect. I love it.


Thank you Adam, the legs are the standard design I use, but with a smidge of extra length added to the bottom. No, they are not flipped.

did I say this was a love story NO it’s a horror movie


Really great MOC! Just a suggestion, you could make an awesome chibi version while using the same head.

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"This really cool and all, but why are my feet so tiny? And Why do my eyes, chest, and hands so look weird? And where are my swords? Those are just sticks."

Dude, back off. There are limitations that come with the medium.

"Then why didn’t he make it out of clay or something, Mr.Smarty Pants?"

Because this is a lego based message board.

"What ever. I’m out of here." #Door slams#

Honestly, I have no idea what just happened.

This is an amazing moc.
I give it my stamp of approval.