You know you’re a bionicle fan when you make the most amount of posts in a You know you’re a BIONICLE fan when ______ Thread.
You know you’re a Bionicle fan when you spend 10 years lurking on boards, and then decide to start posting 'cause you know you’re not going lose interest anytime soon.
I have slightly more than 100 sets, and slightly fewer than 100 friends on Facebook. ._.
You know your a Bionicle Fan when your boxes are 75% Bionicle.
You know you’re a Bionicle fan and an engineer when your method of decorating an empty wall is to make cardboard stands that attach to the wall with command strips to display your favorite MOCs.
You know you’re a BIONICLE fan when you use canisters to store ALL of your MOCs.
Like seriously all of them.
You know your a BIONICLE fan when on a Bionicle message board in one day you receive 60+ likes.
Aww yeah,
You know you’re a BIONICLE fan when you are jealous of the person who got 60+ likes on a BIONICLE forum in a day.
Aww, naw.
You know you’re a BIONICLE fan when you want to hug the fellow Bionicle fan who has an obsession with Gadunka who posted above you,
<3 C:
You know you’re a BIONICLE fan when you love this community so much.
Flattery will get you nowhere.
Found me out did you?
You know you’re a BIONICLE fan when the Doctor has to use a Rode to find out if you’re being sincere or not…
BTDubbs, I do really love this community. Gold stars for us all!
You know you’re a bonkle fan when you have 5 Metru Vakama sets.
I love you also Raiders <3 C:
You know you’re a bonkle fan when you have 10 Metru Komaus, and 8 Rodes.
You know you’re a bonkle fan when you are once again jealous of one beefy friend for owning 5 Vakamas.
You know you’re a bonkle fan when you have a complete Mata collection, a complete metru collection, a near complete bohrok collection and you realize you should probably stop there.
You know you’re a Bionicle fan when you have an OCD-like objection to this. Canisters are only for the sets they originally came with!
You know your you’re a bionicle fan when you contemplate getting a new set because yours is missing a piece(its foot, misplaced, not lost).
You know you’re a BIONICLE Fan when you did that as a kid for one of your 2008 Phantoka sets, Tanma.
You know you’re a BIONICLE fan when, before BIONICLE, you were never even introduced to comics, and now they have become a part of your daily life.
You know you’re a BIONICLE fan when the same applies for rock music and animation and YouTube. Yeh.
You know you’re a BIONICLE fan when you where browsing BZP at 10…
You know you’re a BIONICLE fan when you where listening to TTV at 10.
You know you’re a BIONICLE fan when you’re competing with someone to see who’s the biggest fanboy of them all.
You know you’re a Bionicle fan when you call someone a filthy casual for not knowing the admittedly convoluted and kinda not-obvious reason Teridax needed the Vahi in LoMN
Especially when they claim to be a lore “expert”