YKYABFW you go outside at all and think to yourself, “Hmmm. That would be a good spot to pose some Bionicles.”
Quick! Gotta reiterate!!
Bionicle figures.
YKYABFW you see someone’s icon and go “Hey! There’s no such thing as a regular green Huna!”
YKYABFW you have a chart with all the missing pieces/extra Kanohi/extra Krana you need from Bricklink, as well as a chart for every Bionicle set I still want, and a chart with all of the Mata Nui Matoran and all of the parts I would need to build every single one (a la the MNOG project).
YKYABFW you plan on collecting all of the Krana in their dormant colors, then stringing them together for the Toa Mata to wear like in the comics.
I was more thinking of the Rahkshi symbol
You Know You’re A Bionicle Fan When you’ve been reading a lot in Matoran and it takes you waaaayyyy longer than it should to recognize regular English.
I prefer the Three Virtues symbol because it has a meaning, and looks better in my opinion.
Ykyabf when you want to make a parody version of who’s the (bat)man, for tahu mata.
If anyone wants to help out with it, just pm me.
How did you do that? Please tell me I want to do that so badly
Get a string through one of the headpieces, through where the brainstock goes, and put a mask on it would be my guess.
You know you’re a Bionicle fan when you see a cave and the Onu-Koro MNOG theme starts playing in your head.
YKYABFW you have like a million parts but you are hungry for more.
you can never have enough
You know you’re a fan of Bionicle when you randomly do Vakama and Lhikan impressions in the middle of conversations
I have quoted Lhikan several times during conversations.
How did you do that?
Phone settings are incredibly customizable.
Not on Apple.