Your bad online gaming expierences

not a single game that had online multiplayer which you played?

wow, you are not missing out

most online multiplayer games usually suck.

EDIT: as in, connection issues, lag, etc

Well, the only games I have with online multiplayer are Total War games, but I’ve never used that feature :stuck_out_tongue:

Smash 4’s online mode. Nuff said.

All the freezeframes

I got invited to a clan on Halo years ago and I kept quiet for a while and just did what the leader said, and it was really fun, when I was happy enough to actually speak to them…well.
Things changed, alot of them began flirting with me, including the leader which I pick up on now, but when I was younger I didn’t really understand what they meant and well, when I said how old I was (about 12/13 at the time) they started ignoring me and eventually threw me out.

It was a long time ago and I’ve forgiven them but I still hold a very bitter opinion on talking or playing with others on xbox : p

Now a less sad story,
On a Gears of war death match this guy was raging hardcore because we all had the same C. Carmine skin and he was like 'YOU STOLE HIM, ’
Everyone just started getting on chat ether telling him to shut up or trolling him, funniest match when it comes to players being complete babies XD.


Dealing with hackers on my minecraft server. It is hell and that is all :wink:


99% of the Yugioh fan base that I’ve met online has had horrific behavior.


I don’t think this was as bad for me as it was for the other people on the server but one time my brother was in the middle of a League Of Legends match but had to go somewhere and left me with his computer to continue the game for him (apparently there is some sort of flagging system for people who drop out mid game). Anyway the whole time I just ran around the map being totally useless and we somehow won and my brother didn’t get in trouble. Like I said not bad for me but probably not a lot of fun for those on the server.

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oh my god… that’s awful (the first one, the second one is funny)


Imagine the nuclear wasteland of Twitch chat.
Now add voice chat (Luckily, remove all the stupid emotes.)

WARNING: Click Video at Own Risk. Contains Swearing -Nyran

Jerma’s server wasn’t this awful, but it’s final days were.
2 friggen hackers ruining everyone’s mojo, while Jerma couldn’t do anything because he was busy at PAX.

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Ah. All those times I couldn’t join matches in Transformers: Rise of the dark spark or get the trades I wanted in Pokemon


Once, I was on a Minecraft server, and I forgot how to talk. That was kinda awkward until I hit the right key.

That’s about it, I don’t play online a whole lot.


Aww, that’s the best part. :crying_cat_face:

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League of Legends, trolls, feeders, afks, gluteus maximuses. If you play LoL, you will experience it all.


Those 99% are also probably 10 years old.


Grammatical Pedant Chro stepping in for a moment here…

de-mise, noun

  1. a person’s death
  2. conveyance or transfer of property

Perhaps you meant “despise” instead?
Also, it’d be “whom” instead of “who”

You think grammar is a game? I’ll show you a bad gaming experience



I blame Beef morning brain.


So, recently I made a FNaF steam guide, and I put a lot of effort into helping people with it… Then someone started spamming the comments. Just look at the comments here.


The only online gaming I’ve ever done is with an app that had a network multiplayer mode. It doesn’t connect well.

One time I played Hawken with Eljay. He was good at Hawken. We should have played Mechwarrior 4…


The entirety of my experience playing Killer Instinct online.

I made the mistake of picking a primarily zoning character (which is apparently seen as an offense on par with murder on the XBL community), which led to everyone getting upset with me, which led to those who I beat cursing at me continuously and those who beat me t-bagging me endlessly.

Actually now that I think about it just X-Box Live in general.