Your opinion on boxing (the sport)

I’m a little surprised that boxing is still around today. Probably one of the weakest sports. It’s just people beating each other up. Not sure how something like this is still legal. It feels like a game played by savages more then an organized sport.

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Boxing… I don’t think it’s that bad. It’s very organized, very clean. It’s got rules to keep people from being permanently hurt.

If you want a savage sport, try UFC. The only rules there is no cheap shots.


Yeah I’ve heard about UFC before. I really don’t know how that’s legal. But even just the mental damage from boxing is rather significant. Those sports feel a little inhumane.

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Boxing’s an interesting sport
Two people are stuck in a ring to punch each other until one wins and the other loses. That’s… pretty rough. And not great.
It’s a brutal sport.
But on the other hand, there are very strict rules in place to make sure that the damage and injuries are limited.
I mean, the same goes for football.
A bunch of armored dudes tackle each other to get a ball.


It’s only inhumane if the are forced into it, such as the Gladiators of old, (though some did do it as a career). As for legality, people have been doing fights like this as long as there have been human, and making it illegal only sends the fights underground. Similar to Dog or Cockerel fights.


@meepinater [quote=“meepinater, post:4, topic:50603”]
I mean, the same goes for football.
A bunch of armored dudes tackle each other to get a ball.

The goal of football isn’t to beat up the opposition, it’s to get the ball to one side of the field. You can play flag or two hand touch football but that wouldn’t work for boxing.

@ProfSrlojohn [quote=“ProfSrlojohn, post:5, topic:50603”]
It’s only inhumane if the are forced into it,

I would say war is inhumane even though it’s usually done by volunteers. Shooting someone is inhumane even if they signed up for it.

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That’s different. There no one is trying to kill the opponent in boxing.

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The point is things can be inhumane even when it’s not being forced into someone.

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True, true.

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If boxing wasn’t a thing, we wouldn’t have Rocky Balboa.

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Never watched those movies

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Well you’re missing out then. Rocky is phenomenal.

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More like phenomentallylackingaftergettinghitsomanytimesintheheadbecauseboxingdoesthattoyou


I recognize you have a problem with the health issues in the sport, and it’s a real concern. However, boxing as a spectator sport is not all about punching.

Just like in a fighting video game like Smash or Street Fighter, there’s a serious meta-game going on constantly in boxing. Sure, to an untrained eye it might look like big strong people are just blindly throwing punches, but the entertainment value of boxing is very similar to that of something like chess.

Opponents have to read each other at all times. They need to calculate their next move and the possible retaliations of their opponent. On top of that they need to be skilled enough to physically execute such maneuvers.

Boxing is just as equally, if not more, about the strategy being employed as it is about physical violence. If the violent aspect of it is too much for you, that’s okay as well since it is a genuine concern, but I think at the professional level every possible precaution has been implemented (this includes very strict rules and proper safety equipment like hand and face protection). I would argue it’s rather unlike football in its violent aspect because the football industry has never seemed keen on implementing rules or equipment designed to make the sport safer, as evidenced by the NFL’s lack of attention to concussion research.


You make good points throughout but I do not think this justifies it as a good legal sport or denies its savagery.

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Looking at the definition of “savage” it really refers to animalistic and uncontrolled actions.

Is boxing violent? Yes.
but is it savage? No.

purely going on the definition of savage, boxing would not be considered savage, yes it would be considered violent, but I look at a few hockey games and I’d consider them even more savage than boxing.

To be completely frank the world is kinda a savage place already. People actively participating in boxing have every right to, it gives them a goal to practice for and reach. you can’t really get good at something without a goal and they would have the skills to defend themselves if they need to. Statistically speaking people who are actively trained in a sport like boxing have much better self control with their actions.

In boxing their every move is controlled and designed. No boxer wants to waste their energy by throwing an empty swing and they have read what their opponent will do next to they can respond accordingly.

And heck they even combined chess with boxing and it’s amazing. Chess boxing is a sport with two victory conditions, you either win at boxing or you win at chess.


Yes, you might find an aggressive hockey game here and there but there are more unviolent hockey games than violent ones. Boxing is always very violent. That is the goal. To cause more harm to your opponent then them to you.[quote=“Jcton, post:17, topic:50603”]
To be completely frank the world is kinda a savage place already.

The world isn’t that savage. People over exaggurate that a lot. You have to be willing to compete and earn your way to the top but it’s not at all savage. [quote=“Jcton, post:17, topic:50603”]
people who are actively trained in a sport like boxing have much better self control with their actions.

Potentially yes, but they are most likely much more prone to violent actions than the average person.[quote=“Jcton, post:17, topic:50603”]
And heck they even combined chess with boxing and it’s amazing. Chess boxing is a sport with two victory conditions, you either win at boxing or you win at chess.

Yeah they did… So what?

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Based on what evidence?


I was mostly referring to the violent crimes that happen all over the world. To a good portion of people there is a really good chance that you’re mugged while on the street.[quote=“Krelikan, post:18, topic:50603”]
Yes, you might find an aggressive hockey game here and there but there are more unviolent hockey games than violent ones. Boxing is always very violent. That is the goal. To cause more harm to your opponent then them to you.

I never stated it wasn’t violent, I only stated that it wasn’t savage, there’s a big difference. There’s an incredible amount of violent things in this world and it doesn’t have to be physical violence to be considered violence.[quote=“Krelikan, post:18, topic:50603”]
Potentially yes, but they are most likely much more prone to violent actions than the average person.

Going off other people’s research into the matter, it does not make a person more violent if they participate, specifically, in boxing. In fact what does happen is a disciplining effect which helps people who box control aggression. People without an outlet for their aggression are more dangerous than people with an outlet, and people who are trained with dealing with aggression. Boxing also helps humbles the boxer, other than the health concerns there’s more benefits to practicing sports like boxing, which is why they(martial arts in general) were primarily invented in the first place. [quote=“Krelikan, post:18, topic:50603”]
Yeah they did… So what?

Chess and Boxing, Chess is a hugely complex game that uses the mind and a lot of self control, same with boxing. Just the fact they combined a supposedly “savage” sport with a sport considered to be the least “savage” is quite honestly cool.

Hence there’s a heck of a lot of preconceptions to a sport like boxing, and if no one enjoyed it then it really wouldn’t be around.


“You’ll be able to spit nails, kid. Like the guy says, you’re gonna eat lightning and you’re gonna crap thunder. You’re gonna become a very dangerous person!” Again, Rocky gives us some of the greatest quotes of all time.

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