Toa of Psionics
I am a male Toa of Psionics* who hates long walks on the beach, especially when the tide is rising. I was never really taught how to be a Toa, as I was transformed when we where escaping into Spherus Magna. A few of us survivors who stumbled across each other have banded together to make a crack Toa team. Consisting mainly of matoran. I know this little survival group won't last long, considering two things; that we are travelling through a desert one minute, then wading through a swamp the next. And worst of all, the team has many contrasting elements; light, shadow, fire, water, plantlife, plasma, and so on. a lot of us do not get along well, but we try to make it work, for survivals sake. We are constantly passing in and out of small establishments and towns, but no place big enough for this many Toa. We have lost many to the harsh weather, but even more to the rahi that stalk us through this wretched land.
*we were guys before we got turned into girls! some of us didn't get changed