I'm a recent AFOL, a big fan of the Bionicle sets, whether they are G1 or G2, I love them all. though I'm still working on collecting them all, it's a bit of a process. I find the most fun with constraction sets is building your own figure. I'm a big fan of Tolkien's works, especially what is written about Middle Earth. My favorite game growing up was Mario kart: Double Dash, I loved going on Rainbow Roads in Time trials and improving my time. My favorite system theme was probably Mars Mission, though Power Miners was probably was another theme I could call a favorite. When it came to system I loved to create sci-fi styled MOCs that were more "beat up" in aesthetics. One of my inspirations for that styles was a bit of Stargate and the more realistic styles shown in Doctor Who.
One of my hobbies is writing, though I have yet to actually finish a story, that isn't for school. Funny, how that works. I enjoy watching anime, though I forget a show quickly if it didn't leave much of a mark. This in mainly due to the amount of anime I've watched over a few years...It's a big number and I lost track...
I enjoy the forum RPs on the Boards and honestly consider it my main hobby at the moment. Well, I hope to meet you in one of those RPs. I think they're a lot of fun.