2059: The superhero revolution (RP topic)

“Mister Nexus, I presume.” Noman asked, walking towards the powerful entity.

The construct faded away. “State your business and let’s get this over with.” Nexus spoke up.

“You have miraculous powers, do you not? The kind that would make people have inquiries about you.”

“Aha, so what is it that you want?” Nexus asked.

“I am a mere inquirer. Tell me,Mister Nexus, what is your business in this country?”

“It’s simple, my business is none of your business.” Nexus said.

“It’s certainly my business if more buildings go up in smoke. After all, little boys shouldn’t play with fire.”

“No its not.” Nexus said. “And if you are not happy more buildings will burn with hell-fire, after all, you were taught not to play with matches when you were a child, did you not?”

“And you are the match?”

“No, I’m more than that.” Nexus said. “I’m hell-fire itself.”

“I assume that sounded cooler in your head. Regardless, it is my designated task to prevent further property damage and to bring you in for questioning.”


“You are dismissed old man.” Nexus said. “Now leave me, if you don’t want to get burnt.” he warned as he turned his back and started to walk away.

“Fire is a marvelous thing, isn’t it? Sure short-lived Rage and Fury.”

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Nexus stopped walking and looked at him. “Yeah, here you can experience it.” he said as he threw a hell-fire flame on the ground near him.

Nexus then flew towards the skies and began living.

Noman merely shot it with his displacement gun, transporting it elsewhere. He then proceeded to follow nexus at a brisk pace, not bothering to exert himself.

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By that time Nexus was long gone.

Mister Noman pulled out a flip phone and dialed a classified number, “This is field Agent Noman 623, The fugitive has evaded capture, further investigation is required.”

“Is everything ok?” Ted asked Harry in the smashed up room
“The floors on fire” Harry said in a perfect immitation of Sean Connery
“OH MY GOD SO IT IS!” Ted screamed “How in the hell did you manage this?”
“It just appeared!” Harry yelled

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“Tell me what you have just witnessed.”

“Okay” Said Harry “So I was just down here, when a portal opened in the roof and a fireball came down and set the room on fire”