2059: The superhero revolution (RP topic)

“That is if we have any.” Bruce points out and then thinks about what she asked. “Well probably yeah.”

Katrina nodded. “Makes sense.” She ran a finger over her tatoos on one arm.

“Yeah, they will have that, and if they have I don’t care.” he said. “What I care is how they will fare in dangerous world such as this one and if I can give the ma happy life.”

“You’ll be able to. I know it.” Katrina smiled.

“That confident in me huh?” he asked. “You know, I might seem to be really cool and all but to be honest, I am not.” he said jokingly with a whisper.

Katrina raised her eyebrow.
“Really?” She teased. “I guess no more kisses… they’re too cool for you.” She teased.

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Bruce dropped his jaw. “Okay so if I am humble I get this?!” he asked, smiling. “Okay, then, if they’re too cool for me I’ll cuddle with my pillow then,” he said folding his arms.

Katrina grinned. “Are we having a stand-off?” She wondered jokingly.
“I think I’m winning.”

“No the pillow is winning.” he said teasingly, raising his nose and head up to the other side.

Katrina snickered. “The pillow is winning?”

“Yes, she is waiting for me back home, she really wants to cuddle with me.” he said smirking.

“The pillow has a gender now?” Katrina asked.

“Yes, she has, what you getting jealous?” he asked teasingly.

Katrina chuckled.
“No… because I have a pillow as well.”

Bruce grinned.
“Not anymore you don’t.”

“You took my pillow?” Katrina asked, maling a sad face.

Gtg, school

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“You aren’t actually sad right?” he asked, visibly worried.

Katrina laughed.
“No, I’m just teasing you.” She said, grinning.

Bruce sighed.
“What have I’ve done with you.” he said shaking his head, smiling.

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Katrina shrugged.
“Don’t ask me.” She replied.