AG3 [Another Generation Three]

The current design for the Makuta is solidified, but we’re not going to be revealing it yet. Here’s a little spoiler to give you an idea.

Currently we are in need of skilled MOCists, Artists, and Writers. If you or someone you know fits any of those descriptions, say so/tell your friends!

I would like to join!

I’m already in another G3/custom story project, but I have way too much freetime on my hands and as it’s going to be quite a while before the other project is even made public, I’d like to try to get my name out here a bit.

I’m no MOCist, and I suck at drawing, but I’m a decent story writer, and I’m really good at unique characters/powersets and lore, both cultural, personal, and global.

As for credentials, just ask @jayzor17, @DannyBoyy, or @TichePotato.

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Well then, welcome to the party!

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So, what to do first?
Have you decided on Toa yet?

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Hey I’ll join too.

I can draw and I need to make sure Bobofoot doesn’t give any of our ideas away.

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Thanks for the vote of confidence. :stuck_out_tongue:


The plan thus far is to spare the good ol’ Mata the time on center stage for at least a while and to make a new Toa team - but on the lines of that, we have, and I quote, literally nothing.

We’ve been scouring the Maori dictionary for potential heroic names to use, and we’ve come across loads of good Rahi and Villain names, but barely anything for potential Toa.

Too many cooks spoil the broth, but what do we know about cooking anyway, and who even likes broth? welcome aboard!

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Well names aren’t exactly my forte, but I can make characters, and maybe It’ll be easier to name them afterwards?

On that note, anything I should know besides ‘It’s time for new legend to fight evil’ when making the Toa?

Insecure, rebellious, potentially treacherous, ‘I didn’t sign up for this’- all potential traits you can use. For all we know, they were normal people before this, and how that affects them is up to us.

Right, but like, are there any major conflicts between tribes, big world altering events already in motion, stuff like that.

That’s TBD. Anything goes, just make sure it’s flexible enough for when things get set in stone.

A’right then, give me ten minutes and I should have the basic outline for a six toa hero team, then later I’ll give them each a more in-depth bio. Sound good?

Sounds fine. Imma go bike round the block. ;]

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I would join as well, but I’m already overloaded with no work from college and trying to set up like three d&d campaigns for people in five different countries, so yeah. I might later, but I doubt it tbh. Gl with stuff tho!

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Toa of Fire
Placeholder name: Farrier
Power: Right arm made of living fire.
Personality: Inventive and curious, young and naive.
Notes: Lost his right arm in a childhood accident, Crafted a new one when he became a toa.
Note2: Original idea was a sort of ‘mecha’ arm with weapons and tools in it powered by his fire, but I didn’t know the tech level you were going for so I decided against it. Take your pick of the two.

Toa of Air
Placeholder name: Ryko
Power: Master swordsman, with invisible blades made of compressed air.
Personality: Calm and self-assured, but not afraid of laughing at himself.
Notes: Come to think of it, he probably should’ve been the flying toa. :stuck_out_tongue:

Toa of Water
Placeholder name: Kiria
Power: Any part of her body can turn into liquid in a split second, making her basically immune to physical attacks.
Personality: Sullen and a little Apathetic about everything, would prefer it if everyone could just sort out their own problems.
Notes: Man, I can never think of anything good for the water element.

Toa of Stone
Placeholder name: Fuu
Powers: Physically weak, but can create statues that mimic his (her?) movements.
Personality: Eager to please his/or her clan, highly motivated.
Note: I was considering making Fuu a girl, are the elements genderlocked like G1 or is it like G2?

Toa of Earth/Plantlife?
Placeholder Name: Trent
Powers: Can actually change his form to attain the abilities of creatures in his enviroment.
Personality: Headstrong and stubborn, always trying to take the lead.
Note: I wasn’t sure if Onu was supposed to be earth or plantlife (your region description left it a little ambiguous), so I made a powerset that kinda works for both.

Toa of Ice
Placeholder Name: Bolt
Powers: Absorbs heat into himself, leaving nearby stuff so cold they shatter. Can also release the heat in the form of a laser.
Personality: Not very loyal, a real lone wolf.
Notes: I don’t know what it is, but I always wanted Kopaka to able to shoot lasers. :stuck_out_tongue:

So yeah, this is just a ‘your character in ten words’ sort of thing, I’ll make something more in-depth later, but It’ll take a while (and might have to wait till there’s more info on the plot/setting).

I object to the X-men powers, these are supposed to be toa,
the element mechanics should be functionally the same as the previous generations, perhaps some of the abilities could be fiddled with into mask powers, however I’m not massively fond of them.

Something about the toa of stone being weak just feels wrong.

honestly like half these guys feel really ‘oc do not steal’.

Here’s my problem with the ‘same as previous generations’: There’s very little power diversity between two toa of the same element.

There’s nothing new brought to the table power wise going from Mata to Metru, there isn’t anything Normal Tahu could do that Jaller couldn’t. That means that any new Toa created are power wise just clones of the Mata, and thus will never stand out from them because the originals are such iconic characters with such a huge amount of nostalgia attached. Any different would be quickly dismissed as inferior characters by the vast majority of people.

This system means that all the characters are functionally distinct to each other, and two toa of the same element would add to the story in a myriad of different ways other than just ‘oh look, another red toa. Yawn.’
I’m not a huge fan of these powers myself, but that’s a little besides the point.

Again, this is me trying to make sure every toa is unique, and not just another Pohatu clone.

Well I’m sorry you feel that way, but keep in mind these are just the barebones outlines and are far from complete characters as of yet.

Perhaps a compromise? The could still have mastery over the elements and all the basic powers, but each have their own unique specialties in how they apply it, based on their own life experiences. This keeps the classic toa feel, while adding some creativity.

Like g1? Wait that didn’t happen,
you can make toa of the same element drastically distinct through personality, appearance, weapons and fighting styles, and relations,
having a cohesive rule set for the universe is extremely important, if you give each toa different powers things get confusing and convoluted fast.

This does keep the rules.

However, I will defer Ghidoria.

Kudos. While some of these unique abilities feel incredibly under-powered, the rest feel very over-powered and unrealistic. However, Bobofoot has brought up the inclusion of unique abilities, be it elemental or otherwise, so we’re working on trying to create realistic side abilities that are either included in the character’s power sets or as a mask ability, so no points wasted.