Ah-Zool, Elite Swordsman (3D Printed Mask from Shapeways)

Recently I bought 6 3D printed masks from Shapeways. I ordered them in white so that I could paint them for my MOCs. Here is the 1st one from the group.

In pics 4 & 5 you can see the paints and the brushes I used. A few years ago I was really into customizing GI Joe and Marvel Legends, so that’s where I learned the basics of painting. I’m not great at it by any means, but this one turned out ok. (Modalt Masks is the best in the business imo)

The chest piece is from a Batman CCBS figure but I painted over the bat symbol with the same shade as the mask. Then I added a sticker from a Nexo Knights set to match the trim on the mask. The hands are from those AliExpress bootLego figures that everybody’s been talking about.




Wow, that mask is awesome! You did a great job on painting it, and the figure is pretty solid too, though the kneepads are kinda odd.


That’s friggin awesome. Love that you used the knock-off hands!


I love the mask! Looks pretty cool!

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I think you could cover up the rear gaps in the ben-10 pieces at the arms. The mask is neat.


Friggin Awesome

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Gotta give props for the name.

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I don’t think I’ve ever seen that mask before. Is it one of the masks only mentioned in lore?

Gracious heavens above! It’s glorious! This has got to be one of your best figures.


I like it I really like it I especially like the shoulders

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I don’t know. It might be a completely original concept. I found it in this collection of kanohi on Shapeways. If you’ve never looked at their stuff before, I highly recommend browsing through them. So many amazing designs by some really talented 3D artists.

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Glad to see you like the mask I made :smiley: <3 And the MOC is beautiful!

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Kirkkerman here, I created the original concept and design for this mask, and asked to hve it recreated in 3d for printing, I’m glad you like it!

I designed the mask for a Toa in a story I’ve been working on for a while, it allows the wearer to create an autonomous creature from their own element, and see and hear what they do.

This is the original concept design, if you’re interested!

Edited for Double Post by Prentice1215


Thanks for adding this background info. I love how the mask is like a cross between Bionicle and a ninja. Ninjanicle? :thinking:

I had no clue what the original power was supposed to be, but people have been asking. So I’m glad to know it now.

And @MaskMaker, your design came out great. I wonder if some of the others I bought are also yours? Please be sure to let me know if they’re yours when you see them posted.


Did you use two thin coats of paint?


Nope. Just one coat. The plastic Shapeways uses is incredibly responsive to acrylic paints. It’s by far the easiest plastic type I’ve ever come across.