Amplified Fun (RP Topic)

“That wasn’t even close” the voice chuckles. (Invisible remember)

“No fun!” Wraithe yells,

Alexis looks up out her car and ponders what to do Maybe I could boost his ability? Could that help?

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“So I’m willing to let you live, but It’ll cost you.”

Vladimir tilts his head “Cost me what?”

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“289,000,000. But I’ll let you pay it out for 2 years, which is quite a good thing considering I kill if not paid within a week of the hit” the voice chuckles. A swishing sound Came from behind Vladimir sending cold air on his neck.

“Seems easy. I’ll ask the boss for a hook up then.” He gets up and stretches.

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“Just know as we’ll this means protection as well, protection from the assassins who will be undoubtably coming to ensure you’re dead” chaplain turns off his cloaking and towers over Vladimir at 8ft tall. “Deal?” He holds out his hand

“Sure I guess.” He doesn’t take the hand but takes a step back appearing next to Alexis.

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Chaplain chuckles and disappears

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“Boss? Who was that guy? Why would anyone want you kill you, Vlad? Well, anyone who doesn’t already know you.”

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Vladimir nods “To make me sound like every stereotypical attempt of a bad ■■■. I’ve made enemies in the business.” He silently cringes

OOC @BrokenAxels

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Bailey wonders what he was doing with his life

Alexis taps him on the back “So we gonna scout out while these goofballs are slacking off?”


Alexis nods and locks her car “Lets go then.”

“lets.” Bailey puts on a hat he brought with him for no reason

Alexis puts up her hood and walks around the sidewalk

A bullet flies by her ear clipping it

Alexis falls over holding her hand over it