Amplified Fun (RP Topic)

Alexis glances around panicking “Okay… Who do we have as a tank here? Might as well go in… Take out the guards…” She continues muttering to herself trying to process the situation

Ryan gives up the search and goes back to surveying the internet building.

OOC: Alright, just did a quick read of all the posts. I think I understand what’s happened enough. Just pretend Scott was here the whole time, I guess.

IC: Scott looks around for the attackers.

A man falls from a near by building blood pouring from his neck.

Ryan rushes towards him rectractable shield in front of him. (@EmperorDeath)

“He’s dead and the only one” a voice chuckles

Wraithe sparks back and forth, searching for both weak points in the internet system and snipers.

Alexis is absolutely bewildered at the direction with everything is going on around her

Ryan ignores the voice and proceeds to pull a match out of his pocket and light the body aflame.

Alexis pauses glancing back “Guess this is a terrorist attack now. Lets go in then guys…”

Ryan absorbs the flames from the charred body and then walks over to Alexis.

Alexis pauses “I vote we try to play the victim card and try to let the security let us in…” She pauses “We go in from the outside. Sparks, Edge Lord, and Vladimir can get in from the inside.”

“And I stand outside? Or am I edge lord?”

“I meant the crazy guy.”

“Mmkay then”

“If that’s me I still thank you for it!~” Flare said, popping up nearby them.

“Well she’s obviously implaying you captain edgey.” Ryan says strolling towards them.


“So should I blow a hole through the front door or what?”

Alexis sighs as Vladimir steps next to them out of nowhere “This is not a terrorist attack…”