Hey, this is another one of my sports that originated in this topic. As of now, its pretty undeveloped, but I’ll list the concept as of right now.
Concept :
Players start on Ice pillars over large bodies of water. There is one rock pillar in the center if a player(s) fall(s) on it. The players have swords that are reminiscent of the stuff used for fencing. They try to knock each other off of certain sheets of ice into the water - but they make the ground they are standing on. Kind of like making an Escher painting while dueling on it. But, the spectators/refs take away the ice from previously made by the players, meaning the players have to constantly make ice to stand on.
In the megathread, someone said that it would be better if the ice were to collapse from the outside and move inward, which is why the central pillar has to exist.
It doesn’t Have to. IMO, The players can just constantly make new ice. The refs destroy at a rate slow enough that the players need to keep moving, but fast enough that they can’t stay in the same place for long without falling in.
Well yeah, that exactly what I would want to happen. However, if there was a pillar in the center (let’s say hypothetically that both players fall through into the hole, but they don’t fall in), they could build off the pillar and return back to the ground level.
The way you have it written right now, If the spectators/refs destroy the previous platforms made by players, wouldn’t the players just fall because their platform is no longer connected to a pillar?
Regarding Protodermis: I think just having salt-thick water should work properly. It doesn’t seem necessary to have Protodermis at the moment.
Regarding falling: The players would be allowed to save themselves by using elemental power. Although the idea of a player being eliminated by the refs, and not his opponent, is concerning. Maybe have shorter pillars jutting out of the water? That could give the duel more dimensions.
I’ve been trying to think of something but at this point I think it might work best if we went with the ice platform already in place that deteriorates to the center.
Or (just had an idea)
Maybe they both start on the same pillar and as they fight they have to make their way to the next pillar before the original falls.