The Toa of Darkfire is back, and better than ever! Taking into account the criticisms the last iteration received, as well as a few personal issues I had, I have upgraded him in a few areas. I filled out the torso a bit more, added back the trans light blue flames and details from version 1.0, and repainted his mask! There are also a few other minor changes as well.
Tell me what you think! I would greatly appreciate any and all feedback.i like the design of the sword, the lower legs and the use of a painted mask.
Nice shaping and paint job
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I know I’m going to seem like @Eljay here but those red axles on the hand are very out of place.
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True. I’d rather save the rare black axle for something more important though.
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I actually have more black than red axles for some reason.
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Hey! Someone else modifed one of these masks! Like how you did It! Also, awesome sword!
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Velcome! Pretty nice combo of gen 1 and 2/hero factory parts. =P
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