Aurus (Dat boi who needs 7 characters)


Lookin snazzy.


Thanks, man!

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This looks fantastic!!!


Thanks! It’s more or less been a wip for the last two months, it’s really picked up this month but I’m just glad to have it done.


Phenomenal job with the shaping here!


Thanks, Stoax!

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noice noice i really like how u did the torso


Well, here goes.

Legs: the legs are probably the best parts of this. I particularly like the upper legs, and the color blocking turned out good, but ten the ankles just ruin the flow of it, with how small they are. I’d use bigger feet and add something to the ankles, perhaps a CCBS bone, to fill them out.
And, just a minor nitpick, but the white Bohrok eyes on the back of the legs mess with the color pattern. I’d replace those with black, or even Dark red (Still off, but it wouldn’t contrast so much with the black)

Arms: you did so well color blocking the legs, now you need to do the same for the arms. On the upper arms, you have all three colors: white, dark red, and black. Now yes, the white is typically accompanied by the dark red, but here, it interrupts the flow: you have black shoulders, then red upper arms, then black elbows, and the red again. If you could, swapping out the elbow pieces for dark red would solve this issue; if not, you probably ought to swap out those system plates for black.

As for the lower arms, they’re fine. I’d have used white visorak feet instead of Dark Red, but that’s just me.

Torso: the red heartplate mixed in with the white looks really good from the front, and okay fro the back, but there’s one big issue: that one black ball joint in the mid-torso. If that isn’t necessary to hold things together, I’d suggest removing it.

Finally, the head: well, you can’t go wrong with that. I don’t really like how the neck ring looks, but that’s just me.



You’ve more or less said most of my complaints with this, aside from the ankles. But yeah, I really need to swap that black balljoint for a white one, as it is needed. Vice versa for the bohrok eyes on the legs (I don’t have any in black). The arms were supposed to be like the torso and lower legs, where white and red are mixed. Black is supposed to be an undertone of the moc, the lowest color layer, which is why you see it on the arms as such. And yes, the visorak feet would most definitely look better as white, alas, I do not have any. Heck, if I had the parts I’d recolor the side of the torso.
As one who’s worked with that head for as long as I have, I most definitely agree, but it’s the best I can do at this instant. I’ll be improving this moc in the future, maybe, so long as procrastination doesn’t take over.

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Really awesome MOC. The build and shaping is awesome.

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Good job. Just gotta say, the legs and arms look a bit too short for the torso, and the feet look a little small. Other than that, nice work!

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Dude I really like the use of the vahki head for the chest, its really cool


When I saw the first image, it reminds me about a self-moc from LJ :joy:!

i love everything about this


Nice job.


That scythe is beautiful, So is the rest of the build, Color-blocking is fantastic.
I will point out that his arms are a tad bit stubby, You may only need to add fingers. I would avoid using prefabs for arms as difficult as it is to work with, Not sure if i can come up with a custom metru red lower arm.:ok_hand:

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It appears I never commented on this… Looks very solid overall. Everything seems appropriately textured and such. The only thing that looks strange is the feet, since they are so small.

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I love the color scheme. The metru red works really well with the white. The design of the scythe is also pretty cool

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Dang, I’m really behind on comments here…
Thanks guys!

@Efri10dd Yeahhh, I kinda disagree about the legs but proportions are definately an area I
Struggle in.
@Geoastrocat Thanks man! Yeah, I’ll definately agree about the prefab arms. I was having a tough time making dark red lower arms which better fit the color placement I was going for so I just copped out and used prefab. I think the stomach area needs cleaning up personally, I may have an idea on how to fix that.
@ReeseEH I see what you mean. As of late I’ve been super opposed to the giant feet from the inika and later.