BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

I saw a game screenshot (game’s still not in 'merica) and they created a Blue Basher. Can someone MOC that? Also, sometime, I’m going to see what happens if I post the summer leaks in the MOC Gallery on the website. Well, I might. Haven’t decided yet.

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You can indeed build a blue version of Basher.

And I am currently waiting for the game to come out in merica.

Maybe…G2 Energized Protodermis? Energized Plot-o-dermis?


Chances are:
“Oh hey this guy sure builds like us, we should hire him!”

So yeah…


Plot twist. Lego is run by danish Daleks.


Alright, I’ve decided. I’m posting really obscure pictures of the leaks (EG: Storm Beasts feet, Tyrone’s blade) on the gallery.


Yeah that one part sounded like it was gonna continue into the MoL theme.

Well, this is my personal opinion on why so much people seem to have problems with the beast, at least. I think the problem is not only their design, but how they clash with the rest of the year. You see at the Toa, how they look like ancient warriors, and the creatures, how they look almost mythical. Even Umarak looks like a primitive hunter, but in a way, kind off a folklore mix in there. Then you have the beast, so, non themed, they just look like monster, but without the hole mystic of it, they just look like plane monsters.


I just realized that even when the MoCo app comes out, I’ll still have to wait for a long and obscure amount of time just for it to come out on the Amazon app store.

One day… one day worldwide releases on all platforms at the exact same time might be a thing…


While I do agree they clash witht he rest of the year, they do so in a good way imo. And as for the “mystical thing” these look imo very mystical, magic looking like ancient demons, specially Storm/Larry.



My impressions of the 2016 summer wave:

Quake Beast: Cool set, don’t mind the asymmetric build as much as him having a happy shadow trap latched to it’s arm, the fact that it obviously “skipped leg day”, or the star drill ithe stole from Korgot. (Kopaka and melum still don’t have their shadow trap.)(Also, I now know where Onua’s “elemental earth blade” went.)

Lava Beast: Cool set, but it’s arms and legs are too small. Looks like it has the head of that shark from Hero Factory Breakout, also I can’t shake the feeling that it’s giving me the peace sign.:v:

Storm Beast: Again the legs and arms are too small. the trans-light green claws stand out too much for my liking. It also has a 3rd leg with a mini shadow trap eating a green zamor. What’s up with that?

Ekimu the Mask Maker: More like Bluekimu the Trans Maker. WAY too much Trans light blue. No stud shooter hammer, and he can’t unite because the MoCr is the same as last year. Other than that he’s fantastic!

Umarak the Destroyer: I like how the MoCo is fused to his head, but I miss the old colorscheme and the antlers. The leg build is even worse than on his hunter form. (I liked UtH’s leg build, but this is taking it too far). Also it looks like he put on the weight that Onua lost. That underbite tho…


that’s actually corrupted Kopaka’s mask

every beast comes with a toa mask,
Quake - Onua’s
Storm - Kopaka’s
Lava - Tahu’s

Ok, I see Kopaka’s and Onua’so mask, but I can’t find Tahu’s. Where is it?

its hard to see, its on LB’s right arm, but its behind the watermark logo

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It doesn’t seem to be out in UK either. Which is a shame.

Sad, lonely, scared, in the distance I hear a faint whistle of a train leaving the station. I get up then suddenly a Lego employee comes running past me screaming “DENIAL DENIAL” as I turn around I hear the whistle getting louder once I turn around I realised it was to late the train was thundering towards me and I knew that this train got no brakes

I’m so of topic and this is probably gonna get deleted sorry


Quake - Onua’s mask in black and trans-green
Storm - Kopaka’s mask in silver and trans-green
Lava - Tahu’s mask in what appears to be black (or gunmetal) and trans-green

Out of these the only one to benefit from a different mask would be Kopaka…

Though for some strange reason it is silver and green instead of silver and trans icy-blue which it should have been.

The black (or gunmetal) and trans-green masks for Onua and Tahu look alright, though cannot see them working on the sets either due to the trans-green.

I don’t even… o_o

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This is basically what goes through my mind regularly