BIONICLE 2017 Speculation Topic

They are very good wishes, but I think that having a new element during the final year would be a little confusing, especially since the island of Okoto has been always depicted as this mythical place held together by those six elements. However, having a POWER like magnetism or gravity would be a nice addition to a character (like shadow for Umarak), especially on villains.


I hope they include the gearbox and waist function for these sets. Using the Star Wars gearbox add-on would be much appreciated.

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Since I’ve never expressed my thoughts about Bionicle’s possible cancelation, and since it’s relevant to the 2017 discussion, I will just go ahead and say my opinion.

I fear that Bionicle is facing the same problems as “The Iron Giant”, way back when that film was released. Bionicle has an amazing story to tell, and some equally amazing sets to offer ; many passionate people are working on the line, and the budget is pretty big, just like that film. But do you know what happened to that film when it was released? The film didn’t perform well at the box office because the advertising was very lacking. However, when the movie came out in DVD (or VHS) so many people liked it and bought it that it became sort of like a cult, and today it’s viewed as an all-time classic.
The situation is similar, as we could understand by the report by Brick-Picker that said the sets are doing wonderfully in the secondary market, and there is a whole fan base behind the line.

If Bionicle goes beyond 2017, I’ll be very happy about it, but if it doesn’t, next year should be a true goodbye, with a climactic story, and awesome sets (and let’s be honest, it would last for thirteen years, so it’s not like we didn’t get enough).


i have my doupts that the 2017 story is going to be the stuff of legends, because people seems to have this mindset that just because its the end, then LEGO will pull out all the stuff they have to make it the most epic and unforgetable story in LEGO’s history.

however we all forget what LEGO have been doing with Bionicle, they don’t want to make it complex, and thus we should not make ourself have such huge hopes for the end.

just because you want something to be epic, does not mean that it will be.

I feel that sentiments like this have mostly been channeled into set desires, though. We have been speculating on story possibilities, but that’s more difficult simply because the information we have about how next year will go is very limited. All we really know is that the MoUP will likely be involved and that Makuta will presumably play a much larger role. Other than that, there’s little to go on in terms of story speculation.

For sets, though, we have a much firmer base, because the past has shown us where LEGO seems to gravitate for G2. Both 2015 and 2016 have had nearly identical release patterns and set sizes, so we can assume that next year will be the same. That opens up a lot of doors for us to throw out ideas on the sets themselves, which leads to hopes that LEGO will make the sets epic and worthy of our ideals. Now, certain hopes for set design may be entangled with possible story ideas, but I don’t think that any of our speculations on that end have been really “complex”–all we seem to desire is an epic final battle with super awesome sets to go with it. In terms of story complexity, finales actually tend to be less complex, as all the story pieces have been put in place and are ready to culminate. The actual ending itself is little more than a final fight, albeit an amazing one.

In short, just because LEGO hasn’t tried to make BIONICLE complex doesn’t mean that its end can’t be epic, because complex and epic are not necessarily synonymous. A simple but dramatic ending can be just as good as a complicated one.


Again, complex doesn’t mean good or climactic, or epic. I admire this line for its charm and mysterious atmosphere, so complexity isn’t always the only thing to aim for.


@Toa_Heatwave @Altair you two still forget one thing, 2016 have still not ended, and its still possible for LEGO to make the story feel less than amazing.

im not saying that it will fail, im saying that there are still the chanse that LEGO will not impresse the fans, more so when the fans make these huge stories, and try to hype themself to the max before we have even seen the ending to this year.

what i mean is that the fans are making LEGO’s job a bit more difficoult when they try to make something thats more epic than what we most likely will get from LEGO.

Im just going to wait and see what LEGO gives me, and not really make ideas that LEGO most likely won’t live up on.

You didn’t pretty much get their point I guess? (Or maybe do I?) What I’ve understood from their opinions is that if the 2017 sets are going to be epic (not storywise), that’s still a very good thing to begin with, whether the story will be climatic or not.

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I think Bionicle will pass 2017. Look at HF. Also, constraction themes have never been short lived not counting ultraabuilds.


as some people have stated before, i don’t think LEGO need Bionicle for the Constraction sets, because some belive that when Bionicle would be canseld, then Star Wars would take their place as the main Constraction line.

some also mean that it makes sence money wise, because then LEGO would not need to use so much money to advertise or build up the theme, they would just need to build the star wars sets and then have the movies and tv series do the advertisment for them.

HF was kept alive to continue CCBS until Bionicle G2 arrived.

Oh I know there is this chance, I’m just writing my wishes here. As I do with basically everything, I’m going to witness next year’s sets and story in a neutral way until I can judge the work that has been done. Mine are just wishes, not actual expectations.

The negative snowman just spoke, you don’t need to lisen to him.

not insulting you, just saying that im negative.

you can have your hope, im not the one who will shoot your wishes down.

i would miss anyway if i did try.

HF did have an ending that was on par with alpha team and exo-force, you know, the no resolution ending, it just ended and we never got to know what happend in the end.

Perhaps they will start another one, like they did back in 2010. At least this time, make it better. The rushed ending of Bionicle made many Bionicle fans hate HF only because they saw it as a replacement. With a good ending, Bionicle fans will even like the new category LEGO proposes.

That’s sad too, but I was that time not interested in LEGO anymore because of Pokemon and other things. So I haven’t really followed the late years of HF.

Edited for Double Post - Waj

It never seemed like an insult, sometimes it’s good to have a little bit of negativity around you. We are just discussing our thoughts, and everyone sees the line differently.


I agree with this, and with your point that the fans often over-hype the situation, but I still want to have confidence in LEGO’s intent and ability. I get that you consider yourself a negative person, and if that’s how you like to approach things, that’s perfectly fine. I just can’t see myself thinking that way. Just because LEGO likely won’t go with the ideas of the fans doesn’t mean that those ideas shouldn’t be created, 'cause they can lead to good things in their own right. LEGO isn’t obligated to follow any of our ideas, no matter how epic they may seem to us, and I don’t think they should. They need to do their own thing, but that doesn’t mean we can’t do ours.

I don’t know about the Star Wars constraction rumors. The franchise is strong, yes, and its sets would sell, but I don’t think making it the poster-boy for constraction is a good idea, or the way LEGO will go. After all, SW isn’t their story, and I think one of LEGO’s main goals has always been to have as many unique, created themes as possible. It wouldn’t make sense for their to be constraction sets from only one theme, and a brand-name theme at that. I think that if BIONICLE gets canceled–which I’m not certain it will–LEGO will make a new constraction theme, or adapt an already existing one so that it has constraction (i.e. Nexo Knights). That way it’s not just Star Wars holding up the system, but a LEGO-created theme as well.

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Just something I want to bring up…

We are talking about 2017, and how potentially it could be Bionicle G2’s final year. So consider this: We get 2 waves, some sets that are climactic and include the main characters in Bionicle. We get more books/ graphic novels and there is a proper ending, fully closed (whatever that may involve)…

And then Bionicle ends, properly this time around. How long will we have to wait for Bionicle to come back again? Will LEGO even invest in a G3?

I know it is early days to be speaking about this, but it seemed fitting to consider this seeing as Bionicle MAY end…but then again, what if it doesn’t? If Bionicle was closed off, like Ninjago…how would they re-introduce it? Would there be a new antagonist, instead of Makuta? This is something I would like to see…

But I suppose we should enjoy 2016 whilst it’s still here. I really like 2016 as a year and I’m interested to see how 2017 continues from this year…

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Not to mention that there will always be complainers whether iteration they take.

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My message to those who think BIONICLE 2017 will be the last year.

My message to the BIONICLE Theme (G1/G2{(The Future}) in general.