BIONICLE is Officially Cancelled

This… actually explains really well why I like both so much.


I’m not going to tell you your opinion is wrong, but I really can’t see why you would want a set that gives you less for more (with inflation considered, Phantoka Lewa would be around $14.50)

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Well, the Air Saber is just a better weapon than the generic HF sword. It looks cooler, and unlike every generic HF sword ever, neither of mine have ever come out of the packaging with an awkward bend in them. The axe mode looks pretty terrible, too. The mask is miles better and compatile with more than one head. It doesn’t have an awkward, intrusive gear function. It can turn its head. And whenit comes to modifications to fix issues with it, I can fix Lewa 2008 via swapping his lower arms and shins around and removing the blaster. Lewa 2015 needs some more extensive part-swapping and rearrangement. And as long as I don’t constantly break him apart, 2008 Lewa will remain stable for a long time. I still have two of my 08 lime upper limb connectors acting as a MOC’s upper arms. They’re still sturdy enough to support the weight of a large weapon. Meanwhile, my 2015 Lewa has gone floppy already.

Also, I just like G1 more than CCBS.

Lewa is kind of a special case, though. For most of the Toa, I would take their 2015 sets over their 2008 ones. All except Onua and Pohatu, who both have features that I really want (Pohatu’s propellors and Onua’s mask)


The one difference is that Lewa 2015 can actually withstand those kinds of modifications, as even simple ones would shatter the joints on 2008 Lewa.


Yes, that can happen (Like I said, I still have two), but since I’d do it straight out of the box, it’d be a one-and-done. And as I said, my CCBS parts have lost sturdiness a lot faster than my G1 ones.


I don’t have issue with the sturdiness of parts from G1 pre-2006, but I’ve never had CCBS break on me.


They’re not broken, they’re just loose and floppy. My 2015 Tahu can’t hold his weapons up anymore, and his hips similarly wobbly.


Strange. I know they can loosen over time, but I’ve never really had that happen to me (and I repose a lot of my sets quite often).


This was the reason I bought Lego for bionicles now they have ruined it once again. Thanks lego


Bionicle is the only reason you’ll buy lego? Why not buy other themes? I understand you probably loved Bionicle dearly, but I grew up on several themes, so I don’t buy Lego for just buying Bionicle, I buy Lego for Lego.

You sound quite angry. Probably shouldn’t, because there are bad overall sales, something Lego can’t really change for Bionicle.

I too wish Bionicle would continue, but I don’t think you should make a fuss over it. Just because Bionicle is gone doesn’t mean we should be.


You worded it perfectly.


Hey, it’s his money. He isn’t obligated to buy system sets. You shouldn’t chide him like that just because BIONICLE is the only theme he was interested in from LEGO. I know I am now completely done with LEGO because of how poorly they handled G2.

That is where you’re wrong. We all have the right to be upset. LEGO cancelled what was for most of us our favourite theme because of their apathy and lack of respect towards one of their most successful original ideas. I am sure the creative team behind the story and sets put their all into the line and worked fervently on something that enjoyed doing, but corporate limited what they were capable of at every turn, ultimately resulting in G2’s end.


Not only is that completely opinion based, I also hate how you say “HF sword”. It’s just a sword piece, not limited to HF. 2015’s weapons aren’t just those swords, either. He’s got axes. That are dual functioning.

more opinions[quote=“ToaArcan, post:1035, topic:26884”]
he mask is miles better and compatile with more than one head

Once again, an opinion. Also, the new masks CAN be used as armor and such.

So can Lewa 2015…? I mean, it’s limited due to his armoring (that’s unique to only him, might I add), but he can still look around a bit.

At least his joints aren’t all broken :stuck_out_tongue:


At the end of the day, Lego is a business looking to make money. If they don’t think they’ll get as much money out of Bionicle as they will SW Constraction, then they will have less interest in continuing to pour money into it.

I’m upset but the end of Bionicle, but Lego most likely found themes that make more money for them, which is their goal as a corporate business. I don’t like it, but I can’t change it, either.


I never said I was right, I just said I’d rather have the set that I personally prefer, and gave the reasons why I prefer it when pressed.

Also, the dual-functionality of Lewa’s axes is pretty hokey. The other Toa all have a distinct function to their weapons’ alternate modes, but Lewa’s “wings” just don’t look like functioning ones. There is no way he’d be able to fly with those.

There’s one more thing I prefer about Lewa 2008. His colour use. He’s lime and grey. Yes, there are silver parts, but none of those are part of his body, they’re all external armour. Yes, there are also red and blue pins, but those are a problem on every constraction set since 2007. Lewa 2015 is bright green, keetorange, black, grey, silver, and yellow, with some lime on his chest too.


Tell that to Lewa Nuva.
Pressing sword tips against your waist doesn’t make you fly.


Lewa Nuva had the Miru and Air power, though. He could make his wings work with his powers. Since G2 changed the element to Jungle, Lewa doesn’t have that excuse.

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Also we have to remember- the gimmick of Phantoka (I think that’s the right spelling) was flight. 4 of the Toa could fly- but this was an ability Lewa already had.

He didn’t fly until he got his golden mask, the “wings” were gliders

@moa I think it said somewhere that Lewa’s powers gave him improved control and maneuverability