BIONICLE Quest For Mata Nui Fan Game Discussion Topic

Yeah we can maybe sort out some Toa teams on here when the game comes out lol.

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How do we know that we have to play as different Toa in multiplayer? It’s inconsistent with the press releases about the idea behind multiplayer, but so far it could be that there could be a team with 6 Pohatus.

What I’m thinking about is how a 6 LAN multiplayer would work logistically. That combat system looks very involved and there are only so many keys on my keyboard. 6 controllers would be hard for a PC game - my laptop doesn’t have 6 USB ports. Seems a logistical nightmare.

Well, even if we have the choice, surely it would be cooler to have the team of six instead of just a bunch of Pohatu’s.

Personally I hope that saving works in a way that allows me to basically have a profile for each Toa, so I could simply load up whichever one is absent for a team (I want to be Kopaka though).

Not that I know anyone who’d really be interested in playing, so it would need to be online or else I’m having a single player experience (which tbh is fine by me). Then again, this might be exactly what I need to get friends into Bionicle, lol.

Hopefully my computer can even run the thing, lol - Masks of Power just crashes whenever I try to run it, and Quest looks way more visually intensive.

I just hope they all have some decent elemental moves. So far, Tahu has only been shown doing little bursts of fire, while even in MNOG he was propelling blazing streams at his enemies. I’m all for melee combat, but not at the expense of some elemental moves.

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This might be a good opportunity to introduce your friends to Bionicle…:wink:


We wouldn’t want to be indistinguishable from each other. Plus, it’s more fun to be your own character.

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Faber has subsribed to Crainy’s Youtube channel! Moreso Crainy had a meeting with Mr. Faber where they discussed a variety of topics, both relating to Bionicle: Quest for Mata Nui as well as the past and possible future of Bionicle.

Imagine a Faber - Crainy Project Collaboration!
If Faber would join to help as a possible graphic designer, it would make the project even more better, and so we could find out more about his own “project” in the meantime.


This is what I’d love to see, ideally, in a Bionicle RPG game. Make each element a sort of class (I’d be even better if the Toa had the same variation in size and proportions as they did in G2).

If it were my dream Bionicle game, you could make your own custom Toa and your moveset and role is based on your element. Then you could group with other players into Toa teams or play solo.

Sadly, it doesn’t look like that will be the case here. This really seems like it wants to be “'01: The Game.” From what I can tell, every Toa will have basically the same play-style, which isn’t bad if you want to stick to the same ideas as '01, but personally that seems a bit limiting for a Bionicle game, especially one that aims to be multiplayer.

Basically the only thing that makes each Toa different is their elemental flavor and their default mask, but once you have all the masks it won’t really matter what Toa you’re playing, gameplay-wise.


If we can have multiple save files, I plan to level my Toa’s skill tree in line with how they should be in story to hopefully give them extra flavor.


Or make some new ones who are.


Noble Masks!


Hang on… listen again to the legend of the bionicle choir that plays at 0:35.

Do you hear it?

That’s the telescope/red star theme from MNOG!


Not only that but the recreation of that part of Ga-Wahi, we only saw in the 2001 Gali promo!


Ooh, I love that! I’ve seen Reviving Bionicle enough times to be ashamed that I didn’t notice the song immediately. I hope it returns in the soundtrack of the actual game, I like what I hear of that version.

I’m super big into soundtrack.


Well… It seems like the game has a lot more issues than we previously thought…

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What I want to know is why Crainy said the game had its own engine to begin with. This isn’t a shady thing to do in and of itself–people mod games all the time, and he doesn’t profit from this–but there’s no clear reason to lie about it, and now he’s just given people a reason not to trust him.


It’s the ol’ BNG tradition, keep things secret and work in closed groups for absolutely no reason at all, like there’s really going to be industrial espionage on a lego action figure fan game


I’ve only recently heard about this but I agree. I have no issue modding a game, but why would you need to lie about it?

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The dishonesty isn’t in the multiplayer not being there, nor the use of engine, the dishonesty is threefold:

  1. The legality of this game is now in question. At first I and many others assumed, that, since it was using a custom engine, the legal issues would be diminished. But oh boy, were we wrong. Now, I have no issue with the engine being used-- but I don’t want to be downloading Starcraft, a game I’ll never play, just to play a fan made Bionicle game. Because it is using an engine that is tied to a specific game, many people will just see it as a mod to that game, and the legitimacy of Quest for Mata Nui will go down and down.

  2. Therefore, because Crainy said that it was a custom engine, and in many respects it is, but it is still at the core the Starcraft engine. If I was making a similar game, say for Chima, and I made so many customizations and modifications to say, the Unity* engine, could I say that I’m using a custom engine I made by my own? No. It would still be a Unity-based game. This, to some, might be seen as dishonest behavior.

  3. Not only did Crainy say that he was using a custom engine, he also said that multiplayer would be in the game, and advertised it as such. Now he takes it out, due to an “artistic choice”. This too, could be seen as dishonest by some.

Now he says that the game is not a mod, just like a game in Unity is not a mod. He gives the reason that most of the game’s assets, programming, and processing were done from scratch. Therefore, it is similar to Unity, according to his view point. However, the problem is, as I said, there is a difference between the point of the two engines. Starcraft’s engine was specifically designed for use of Starcraft and customizations to it. They have allowed the use of it for custom games, but that is not its purpose.The Unity engine, however, is an all purpose engine for any game or simulation. It is not tied to one specific game-- rather many use it for a variety of purposes.

He says that the limited amount of assets shared between the two is likewise with buying assets from Unity. However, again, the assets of Starcraft were made for the game-- the assets for Unity are again, all purpose.

He again says he is justified in using Starcraft’s engine, because it is modified to such an extreme that many aspects are not like Starcraft. But that does not negate the fact, some might point out, that it is still a mod, since it is based on Starcraft, you need Starcraft on your computer to even run the game, and that it has only been possible through Starcraft.

On a personal note, this has, in affect, changed my view of the game, but not in the same way as Faber and 3IONICLE. Faber, though mysterious at times, never was dishonest. As soon as April 1, rolled around, he explained that meetings were cancelled and plans had shifted. Disappointing? Yes. Dishonest? No. However, the team of Quest for Mata Nui made it seem as if it was its own thing. I guess it was so that people wouldn’t think it was a mod, but that backfired.


I’m a mod on Crainys discord and this sucks cause I’m getting slammed with questions and I have no idea what people are talking about, I fully do not understand what any of this means.


Crainy said he was using a custom engine when he was really using Starcraft’s engine, dragging us in a wild goose chase. Read my post above.