Blade Dancer

I’ve been in a Destiny mood lately. Anyway, this guy is a hunter. He’s ready for the Makuta raid. He’ll likely go out in a blaze of glory by jumping into a horde of rahkshi and trying to knife all of them.

For those doubtlessly wondering, the mask is the helmet of what I believe was an old GI Joe figure, glued onto a glatorian head. The cape is custom. I’ve been trying to add a hood, but my efforts have failed thus far. Yes, I’m aware the arc blade is inaccurate, not really much I can do there. We’ll call that a stylistic choice. Totally not a piece limitation. Anyway, now that that’s out of the way, I’d love any feedback! Any critiques are appreciated. Oh, like my last moc, the torso skeleton is modified from youtuber HS_Rukodiora’s design. He made a helpful tutorial on his channel, so credit where credit is due.


That head works shoxkingly well. Really gives the moc more of a destiny vibe, not to mention uniqueness, that wouldn’t have been present if you used a run-of-the-mill Kanohi. Nice job my dude


That head is definitely better than the Destiny Hunter I made. This thing is great.


Fantastic dude. The weapons are simple in design, yet really effective. Snake Eyes’ mug has never looked better.

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That’s how people will dress in a ballet in 2049! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

######Why do I make such convoluted jokes…

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Very cool! That helmet is quite interesting…

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Thank you! [quote=“BlackboltJohnson, post:4, topic:40510”]
Snake Eyes’ mug
[/quote] Is it really off of Snake Eyes? I know very little about GI Joe, and I lost the rest of the figure. My internet searches have turned up dry as well. @Spartan_0185 @ReeseEH @Altair @HewksDKowlihad Thank you guys!

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How did you make that head?!

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@Zero [quote=“Sabretooth, post:1, topic:40510”]
the mask is the helmet of what I believe was an old GI Joe figure, glued onto a glatorian head
Also, he has a hood now everyone!





Oh and the shins look cool.



called Blade Dancer, most pictures has him without blades

nice figure, maybe ineptly named

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It’s a reference to the in-game subclass Blade Dancer, in which the character has a machete as an ultimate. ‘Hunter’ felt more generic.

that hood

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This looks pretty sweet
Everything works really well

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The mask idea is really cool. It not only fits with the constraction pieces but also with the Destiny hunter theme. And the hood and cape look great. I know these custom things are not easy to make.

Personally I think the knife looks alright, however, I believe you could much improve the gun. There are tons of constraction gun ideas on YouTube. Just a thought.

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Amazing custom mask

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