#new from Lego Bionicle!
Rahkshi are attacking Onu Koro! Protect turaga whenua with the all new exo-toa and claim the mask of power!
Exo-Toa Cave Battle
315 pieces
set number 8675
everything that comes with the cave:
features and functions:
The cannons on top of the overseer tower can fire studs and the exo-toa has a working missile cannon arm.
OOO nice treazures captain Jack Sparrow!
Claim the mask of power! So you can feel the power!
Uh oh. Rahk lobstars got to Whenua’s tower.
liven up the battle with the falling tower function! Whenua’s construction expertise must be slipping in his old age.
Battle pose stuff!!!
Victory screech or something like that
Minifig character builds:
Onua Nuva and turaga Whenua
with the mask of power
Rahkshi of heat vision
He’s goin’ the distance
The exo-toa;
without pilot
with pilot
now with convenient chainsaw storage
Cave overview (for all your cave needs:
Hope everyone enjoyed this moc. I redesigned this stupid cave at least seven times (I lost count). Best luck to everyone in the competition.