Brickonicle G3 Elements Poll [Worldbuilding] [Pitch]

Which is long-form for ‘for no good reason’, which is exactly my problem with needless changes.
Let’s have a transformers series where they don’t transform, you know, for the sake of making it different.


As I said before, we don’t have to axe Pohatu and Kopaka, just repurpose them. And why wouldn’t Gali and Tahu be able to have the same back and forth dynamic Tahu and Kopaka had? Tahu is the epitome of an aggressive hothead who charges in, while Gali is the calm, collected mediator who thinks before she acts.[quote=“Payinku, post:344, topic:33898, full:true”]
In bionicle the element ice allows the user to cool/freeze things, whereas water allows the user to move liquids.

You’re argument hinges on the scientific similarities between ice and water, however that’s not what the elements in bionicle are, therefore the argument is invalid, such was my original post.

The “similarities” between Ice and Water exist because they are the same thing, not just two similar things.

And just because the original Bionicle did it doesn’t mean we have to now. The reason reboots exist is to do things better. The original concept made no sense in that regard. I know you and others don’t want to change too much, but changing some elements around isn’t going to do so much in the long run.

#Actually, this needs to be said to everyone:
Just because we change things does not mean this isn’t Bionicle. The things that made Bionicle, Bionicle, wasn’t the semantics behind the elements. It was the storytelling. It was the characters and how they interacted. It was the world, and how it was presented. It was the ideals. Unity, Duty, Destiny.

That is what made Bionicle so great. Not whether or not stone was an element, or that water was separate from Ice. It was the things that we all remember, and what we all remember fondly.

I think we’re all forgetting this, and maybe getting a bit too passionate. Think about it. If Kopaka and Pohatu weren’t the elements they once were, would that change the world, or the character’s personalities, or anything that made Bionicle so great be gone?


And while we’re at it, let’s also not have Optimus Prime.

Actually, survey says: the world is what makes Bionicle, and the elements are core to that world. So yeah screwing with them will screw up Bionicle.


I think you’re overthinking the thought process about powers in a children’s toyline.


Bear in mind that one of the goals of G3 is to render a faithful interpretation of Bionicle that’s also easier for newcomers to get into. Part of this is removing details that potential new fans might get hung up on, as that would make it harder for them to put more attention into the material itself. Taking something like the Stone/Earth debacle and doing away with the offending issue by replacing Pohatu’s element and merging Stone and Earth works to this end, since almost everyone will expect these two sets of powers to fall under one label.

Bear in mind that I’m not saying the character roster needs to change. Bionicle without the OG Toa is, as @Matanui606 so effectively puts it, like Transformers without Optimus Prime. They’re iconic to the franchise, and changing their characters is just folly. But the powers they have, which do not define these characters so heavily, are subject to revision where best judgment deems it beneficial.

The world changing doesn’t have to make G3 unfaithful to G1. It could be in space, but as long as the world-building is approached in the same way, that’s what matters. The world itself just needs to be recognizable as something that could be Bionicle.

Preach it, sista.


And I hope it didn’t come off as too preachy, I’m just giving my thoughts.


These are not mutually exclusive things, the elements and the semantics behind them was and is a good part of the world and its presentation.


Hah, sorry.

I agree with TTV. We need a money element.


Obligatory /s


implying I’m not serious

well gold and gems are mineral that originates from the earth…

You’re saying you want a toa of the green?


Swagni confirmed for 7th Toa.

Okay, so I have a pitch:
I don’t know if people will like it, but there’s a way to do 6 toa without making the stone/earth complication a thing without ousting our ol’ buddy Pohatu.

Make Pohatu the Toa of Air and Lewa the Toa of Plantlife/Jungle/House-plants

And here’s why:

  • Lewa, while being a carefree wild kinda dude, was kind of stubborn up until 2008. Plants, when unkempt, will grow wherever they want and don’t react well to sudden change. So you can keep the personality of Lewa and still have the personality metaphor work. Also by having Lewa live in a dense jungle, he would have to still be nimble and dexterous to traverse his homeland, so him having a Miru would still make sense. (Plus it was kind of dumb for him to have a Miru if all toa of Air can fly anyways).

  • Pohatu has always been kind of a quick and nimble guy who was rather easygoing, air would fit his personality. And if you think about Po-Wahi, it’s very open and vast. It would be better for a toa of air to use their powers there than in a crowded jungle. This would also allow us to see Pohatu use the cool dirt-devil/tornado thing that he does in G2. Plus, if you’ve ever been to a place like New Mexico/Arizona/Nevada in the spring you will know a thing or two about Sandstorms with 50W+ MPH winds. So having the element of Air in the desert would make sense.

Irrelevant Side note:
Also it would be sick to see a fight between Onua and Pohatu where Onua is controlling the actual grains of sand and Pohatu controlling the wind that pushes it. But that’s not relevant to this argument, just thought that was a cool idea.


Ok, but first I have a question: have you actually read this whole topic? Because if you have you know that this pitch has been suggested already. This topic has started to circle because people are bringing up things we’ve already talked about.


I actually really like the idea of Kopaka and Pohatu splitting off of the main group. My idea is that Kopaka left after losing a duel with Tahu for leadership of the team, and since Pohatu is Kopaka’s best bud, just like he is in G1, he leaves alongside him.
Keep Kopaka as a Toa of Ice, and have Pohatu as a Toa of Metal/Iron


Honestly I’d rather it the other way around, lewa was already air, and burnt orange works better for nature than air. If we combined earth/stone it gets caves in the desert, while nature gets jungle and air gets the central mountain, similar to how onu-koro was underground rather than getting a wedge of island the air tribe would live at the highest point of the island.

Or, you go with Var’s changes to earth making it more nature based, then it doesn’t have problems with stone and you just leave Lewa with air.

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