Brickonicle G3 Elements Poll [Worldbuilding] [Pitch]

This quote pretty much sums up the ridiculousness of this topic. :stuck_out_tongue:

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True, but a lot of very small particulate solids (like sand or dirt) basically behave like a liquid.


Yeah, it’s why I said it was just my nitpicks. Though, Toa of Nature in place of Toa of Jungle, sounds all right to me.

Iron is more justified as its own element than Stone because it comes with a more distinct powerset.

How, exactly? Earth is already one of the most powerful elements because it can make (or at least simulate) earthquakes. Being able to throw rocks doesn’t elevate Onua all that highly.

Except that’s all dead plant matter. Toa of Plantlife, unless I’m mistaken, control live plants, which are invariably more useful than dead ones unless you need a campfire.

I’m just gonna say the word debatable and leave it at that.

Shiny rocks and genocide is best powerset.


Metal by itself is more flexible than rock. That lets it be used more as a big, sharp tendril than just a big projectile.

*you’re gonna have a bad time

But really, wouldn’t the genocide thing only be a problem if there’s a bad guy with Iron powers? And if there is, there’s still the part where Matoran could have natural energies that keep the elements in their bodies from being controlled. That would also be necessary for Air villains not to be OP because they could just suffocate everyone, and for Water villains not to just suck the moisture out of everyone.

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I meant if Onua could control metal in addition to soil and earthquakes and hypothetically rocks (if combined with Stone).

I don’t know how I feel about the natural energies point, but I agree the other elements can also pretty easily be genocidal if the user was skilled and willing enough

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Actually we were never told whether or not matoran had water content or lungs…

I don’t know about water. But I think air in lungs is a thing. Why we have the Mask of Water Breathing and why Lewa gave everyone an air bubble when they ended up in space in whichever story serial it was…

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Ah. My mistake.

Matau refers to his lungs during one of the Metru Nui books (I forget which one, but I remember it being when he was getting the Le-Metru disk), and I think Nokama manually drank water at some point. Assuming their biology is similar in G3 (and it should be, since that makes it easier for us to relate to their daily lives), then yes, such would be the case.

Still, the water and air issues are obscure biology questions, as opposed to the metal that you can obviously see in their body.

How are they obscure? They breathe air and drink water; ergo, they have those elements in their bodies, just as with Iron. Why, then, are they less valid as lethal weaknesses? Turning someone’s lungs inside-out or reducing them to a dry husk isn’t exactly a fair means of killing.

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They’re obscure because we weren’t ever given anything concrete in terms of matoran biology. At one point it was stated that they got all of their necessary nourishment from their masks.

Because they don’t make up at least 50% of their body mass?

Except that’s not actually true. Again, we know that they at least had lungs. The water thing isn’t something I can prove because I don’t remember it happening, but we know they had air in their system.

There is no such thing as being “more dead” than someone else because of how you died. You turn someone’s lungs inside-out, they’re dead. Perhaps not as quickly as if you collapse their entire body, but it’s still a OHKO.

Yeah, but it’s more obvious that they can be killed via the metal they have all over them than the small amount of air in their lungs.

Anyways, why are we doing this again? Didn’t we settle this back up at post 194?

It’ll be plenty obvious if it’s actually done. turns his head in Legend of Korra’s direction


I don’t think any debates here have ever been settled. Barring polling results, I think most people just agreed to disagree :sweat_smile:

also turns head, then remembers he’s only seen the original Avatar series

Honestly though, why are we doing this again? A poll of those who were here, checks calander, about a week ago shows that 58% of people don’t want stone replaced, however it also shows that if stone was replaced, Iron is the fan favorite. This argument is just rehashing what we’ve already been through.

I made a poll up in post 194 to end this exact debate.

I really don’t get how that poll of a meager 33 voters is more valid than the one with the larger sample size of 250 wherein only 32% of voters included Stone in their preferred main cast. If the majority wanted to keep Stone, then it would have had over 50% support in the original poll, regardless of what a smaller poll not as many people saw says.