Brickonicle- My Element Ideas [Characters]

Is no one else commenting that the hypothetical Toa of Speed is pretty much a Flash minifig?

Alright, so I love the art here, dude; color-wise, your work is clearly deliberate and smooth, but also well-suited to the Bionicle aesthetic. Unfortunately, I pretty much disagree with all of your proposed changes to Bionicle for a G3 wave. As one example, why is plasma associated with heat? Plasma to me has always indicated a control over gases and matter on an atomic level. Isn’t heat even more similar to Fire?

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That’s true. But it could still lead to some weird combos (A toa of Fire could wear a mask of Fire).

Well, I mean Ninjago stole it from Bionicle, technically.

Plus my ideas for the element Speed are different from Ninjago’s:
1)They would be able to control the speed of themselves (as Ninjago and the Kakama did)
2)They would be able to control the speed of others and objects as well.
3) Limitations would include resistance (mental or physical) from the controlled being/object, and the more beings/items being controlled the more concentration the Toa must use.
(I apologize for not saying these abilities earlier)

Hopefully now it’s a little bit more clear that I don’t just want a really fast character - I want that and complex, yet limited, battles.

@Azani First of all, I’m glad you appreciate the art!
Secondly, hopefully my words to Matanui606 help you understand my plans for the Speed element.
Third, in dealing with Plasma, I hoped that by changing it to heat, it could avoid the “better fire” syndrome by much of the uneducated population (Most kids, I would think, don’t know that Plasma is the fourth state of matter). I would take away the ability to absorb heat away from the Fire beings and give it to the Heat beings. Fire beings would just be able to manipulate and control literal flame. I would hope that the color scheme would be enough to differentiate the two, but I could see how it would be confusing.

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So super speed.

And telekenisis.

With the same limitations as any power.

What I’m seeing here is a telekinetic character with super speed. An intriguing premise, but it doesn’t seem elemental. And I know, gravity and magnetism aren’t elements either, but they are forced of nature, and that’s probably why they can get away with it. Speed isn’t a natural force. It’s a measurement of force. I really think this works better as a mask power because there’s not really enough to expand into a coherent power set. People who don’t know much about science aren’t going to understand the connection between telekinesis and speed, just like they don’t see the connection between lightning and plasma.

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Or the intended power of the Kanohi Vahi.

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Not exactly. The Vahi creates fast and slow currents within time itself. Meaning everything in that area is sped up or slowed down. The power described above speeds up or slowes down objects (or people) not areas.


Well, I mean, the could also go really slow or make others go really slow (to save people from falling off a cliff for example), but yes I do see your point, and its a very good point

I’m really tired of going back and forth, so I’ll just end it with this: You have your opinions and I have mine. We both like and dislike certain things that we’ve said, and (even though yours are more scientifically accurate) G3 is never going to really exist. Maybe in the future by Lego, but not by the TTV nor us two.
We can really continue this argument, but I’d rather just leave it as general concepts at this point. After all, we’re not selling products.

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I feel like we are missing something here. wouldn´t it make more sense to have a toa of elektromagnetism than one toa of lightning and another of magnetism?
Now, I´m no physicist, but I do know that you cant have one without the other. or am I wrong?

Lightning is very different to electricity tho. Lightning is a type of Plasma so it makes more sense to group Lightning and Plasma together, not Lightning and Magnetism

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well, I always imagined lightning to basically be elektric based powers. just with a cooler name.

To me that doesn’t seem to be the case since Lightning and Electricity are since different to one other, and have a very different affects and uses

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Ok, I understand what you mean. then lets just have lightning be fused with plasma, and all the elektric powers lightning had get fused with magnetism, making elektromagnetism.
what do you think?

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I think we already talked about this. At least the lightning and the plasma.

I was talking about elektromagnetism as a element. does it make sense to you?

Make sense to me? Sure. Make sense to a child being marketed Bionicle? Probably not.

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You aren’t listening.
Are you seriously suggesting that there only be 6 collectables in the first year, and ONE in the second? I’m speaking from a marketing standpoint, having a bunch of individually powered collectables would increase sales, and masks are the perfect way to do that in bionicle.

Bionicle isn’t ninjago, and honestly I retract my statement on the golden weapons and spell books being collectables, they were plot macguffins.

You think there might be a reason for that?!

Masks, and subsequently their powers are an integral part of what makes bionicle bionicle, you don’t just throw out the cornerstones of a franchise because they’ve been done already, it’s like having transformers that don’t transform!


Why does having collectables even matter? Its not like the the TTV is even going to be selling any sets! Or anything for that matter!

Flawless logic.
This is all hypothetical of how to do the line right, by your logic we shouldn’t bother discussing anything about g3.


Exactly, having these long debates on hypothetical things is kind of pointless.

Although it will never happen, the discussion of something like BRICKONICLE would keep community alive. It gives us something new to talk about, similar to what HF did post-cancellation.

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As a wise man once said “only those things that are truly pointless can provide true happiness.”
