Brickonicle: Stone Mech Attack

Presenting my final entry to the TTV Brickonicle Contest! Before you give me all the “blah blah blah not canon” stuff, please remember that the rules state they don’t need to be! I made 'em up for fun because a real LEGO action theme would have vehicles.

71324 Stone Mech Attack
Piece count: 343
Price: $44.99 (due to would-be new molds and constraction pieces?)

Battle at the river with Pohatu and Gali!

  • Shoot the studs on the top of Pohatu’s stone mech!
  • Fight with the giant stormerang!
  • Spin the front of Gali’s water speeder to blast studs at the Skull enemies!
  • Attach Gali’s spear to the side of her vehicle
  • Activate the spring shooters on Skull Basher’s skullcycle!
  • Attack with the Protector of Stone!
  • Grab the Toa masks with Skull Slicer’s chain!
  • Includes Pohatu, Gali, Protector of Stone, Skull Slicer, and Skull Basher minifigures.

*I really tried to implement a gearbox into the mech but it did NOT look good and was too bulky :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s pretty much it - I won’t do anymore LEGO BIONICLE sets. Hope you guys enjoyed these, this contest was super fun. As I mentioned before, I’d appreciate if you didn’t use my designs in your entries. Also thanks to the guy who art I used for the box.

Please check out my other entries!

Thanks for looking!


All the vehicles are really cool, as well as the minifigs. It looks more like a Stone Mech Attack though…


oh my god

Hey @Eljay could the title be changed to STONE mech attack please? I’m editing the box art right now


I love it. The vehicles and mech really fit their characters, and the builds are really solid. I also appreciate how you managed to get all the toa and skull villains in your 3 entries. On the mech, what solid color did you substitute for the trans. neon green?

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This looks really cool, I love you’re designs for these system sets.

Edit- Edited title for unnecessary capital in STone -Jack_Frost


I got ya fam.


Thanks for the fix, guys. Updated box is now in the post. That was embarassing haha I am so glad you caught that.

I have a document of all previous LDD colors, the one I used is called “Neon Green”


It’s called a stormerang

The minifigs are really nice lookin, especially the smol protector so adorable

Can we see what it looked like? :stuck_out_tongue:

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my only real complaint is on SS’s chain-

couldn’t you mirror the claw to be on the other side as well, for the full claw?

Woah. I’m impressed. These look fiiiiiiiiinnnnneeee.

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Pretty great, looks somewhat like a set lego would release. I say somewhat because for a $45 set, it’s really lacking. The mech is pretty small, and the side vehicles, while not bad, don’t add enough to make it $45. Furthermore, I feel that Gali’s Speeder is completely unnecessary, and pulls attention to what should be the focus of the set, the Mecha. And the mecha, I feel like the best part is the legs. They look like something lego would release, with the dynamic posing but easy to manage articulation. However, the torso, is meh at best. As the focus of the set, the mech should get the most attention, and I feel that slapping some CCBS pieces together is not what a mecha oriented set would do. Modt modern system mecha (I would say all, but I’m not 100% sure about that statistic) have you used a system built torso. The arms are fine for the size of the mech, altough mixel joints and the like might’ve been a bit more interesting.

To sum it up, it’s a good set, but I feel like it could’ve been better. But I understand the restraints of the contest, so maybe what I suggest is too difficult.


So much good. I would totally buy this!

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The Skull Cycle is dope…


I do not like this contest anymore… seeing so many good ideas for great looking sets makes me just more sad that Bionicle has been cancelled again. xD

Btw this set is great. ^.^


Great as always. I like the idea of Pohatu getting a stone mech and the execution of it is not half bad. The skull cycle and water speeder are also quite nice.


the minifigs here are pretty well done,plus that skull on skull basher’s vehicle thing is awesome


awesome, also how did you make the backgrounds and box with LDD?

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Now this is something I can believe to be a set, some things i’d say is to make the colors of the studs on the stud launcher one transparent color instead.
Also the launcher on Gali’s vehicle would seem difficult to turn without having your fingers on the studs, playability vs good looks.

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Skull Bashers “Skullcycle” looks like it could have been in the first waves of Ninjago.
Bashers axes look a bit on the small side, but still good.

Lot of editing.

@AwesomeJoel27 You are able to turn the bigger disc/tube piece attached to the outer area of the stud shooter piece, I tried it in real life and it works. Not just for looks! I always make sure the play features function correctly.

@Celemimphar not sure if that’s a complement but I did base it off that and I also based it off of an old BIONICLE set that I can’t remember the name of… something V3

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