I saw some of Oomatus Ga wahi concepts and decied to take my own spin on it.
So Ill be updating this as I get more time to get it done.
But in general: small huts made of wood and dried sea weat that is held together by the Ga matorians own sweat tears and hard work.
ooo pretty
I love this, but I feel it should have a fence around it with a gate, like in MNOG.
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Ill find room to make that… when I find a way to incoperate more into the picture.
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I like the overall execution of the shading and coloring. There’s a certain quality to the style here that reminds me a lot of MNOG.
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If I ever need a MNOG G3 done, I’m hiring you. This is incredible!
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The building on the left looks a little bit like Kini-Nui
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Sounds lovely.
Ill gladly make artwork for a G3 Flash esch game.
It is supose to be a small shrine. I think each city would have their own.
To the gods.
why this
This is a really nice drawing, I like the concept of the huts as well. Not much more to say, but, well, it’s good!
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Very nice. Art style really reminds me of MNOG. Great work!
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Looks pretty good.
This has nothing to do with this topic but which program do you use to draw?
I got a copy of Photoshop.
It is a glorious peice of software.