Conduit: Race for Power (RP Topic)

@meepinater @jayzor17

Baileys face falls blank for a few seconds, like he’s processing something. He didn’t know how to take compliments, it seemed.

“Oh. Uh. Thanks, both of you.”

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Hope smiles.
“No problem!”

Bailey mindlessly fiddles the ring on his hand, a habit he had picked up since he obtained it. The CIA is on their way. Wonder if they still think I’m one of them.

Hope fingers her own ring, studying it.
“So what is going on here, then? What are you guys doing, do you all have a magic ring?”

“From what I can tell, some jewelry gave is some abilities or something. That one lady we just beat up had a lot of em, so it’s probably why she was really strong.” Bailey shrugs. “I don’t know how any of you got here. I had to inflitrate the CIA, though.”

“I was following my ring… it was like it was pulling me to you guys.”

Bailey nods. “Not just me, then?”

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“I don’t think so, no.” Hope muses.

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“Weird. Maybe there’s a reason, then.” Jeez, is this some kind of cheesy video game? Bailey thinks to himself


Jeffrey uncovers the remains of a small house and goes searching through it.

Vaarinty gets up. “We’re close to my forge. Shouldn’t be much longer.”

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“Do you see them?” Christine asked over the walkie-talkie of an agent. "Targets are in our sights, but something tells me that they have a few tricks up out sleeves.
" an agent responded.

Bailey, meanwhile, would overhear this on his CIA phone.

Zablex nods, “Good.”

Hope stands up as well.
“So, uh… can I come with?” She asks, her accent showing through again.

Christine was becoming increasingly frustrated. “You are all agents of the CIA, and you can’t even take down a few kids with magical jewelry?!” She shouted through the agents’ comms. “I WANT THEM NOW!” She ordered.

“Sure.” Shelby said.

Jeffrey looks through the house and finds a small pendant hanging from the wall. He inspects it.

“Cool.” Hope says. She looks at the approaching vehicles.
“Umm… who are they?”

“Oh, just the CIA people after us.” She answers nonchalantly.

“The CIA.” She repeats.
“Then… we gotta go!”

Zablex would say why he thought there was something wrong with the CIA just being there like that but he had already said that and he was more focused on keeping his arm in its ‘cast’.

“Is that kunzite?” He asked, hoping that was the healing Conduit.