Dai-Makuta, God of the Shadow Realm

another makuta entry
here he is now, with his creature of darkness, a corrupted bat creature from okoto that lives in the shadow realm
here he is again, fused with the creature, growing huge wings (which use 50 CCBS bones in total)
wouldja look at that he can duel wield a Tomahawk and a giant axe
he towers over a minifigure, he stands at about 55 CM tall!
His back is not as fabulous as his front, but its still worth showing

Rebrick Contest Entry Link: http://www.lego.com/en-us/rebrick/view-entry?c_id={00A66255-0F67-490B-97E3-3FCD9CF12314}&a_id=44272cdb-7e92-44d4-90a2-ba4e59cb8a13&nse=true
Flickr Album: https://www.flickr.com/photos/132112761@N08/albums/72157671836791162
(it has more pictures + a bonus stupid thing)

pls give C&C my dudes

Nothing much else I can say I suppose

hope you all like it, it took me like
A solid month to make, and its my first time making a MOC this big too
not to mention I struggled a lot with stability issues
still not completely happy with it.



Waist is a bit awkward but still one of my favourites

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fun fact
The torso is built from stacked ccbs torsos

the lower torso is the standard hero size, its connected to a 2016 torso which gives waist articulation, then it has the star wars torso, which is connected to the wider shouldered hf torso, and it ends with an xt4 torso

It limited my building, but saves a lot of time, and i layered the moc to the point where you can barely tell that there are so many of those torsos : p (unless you look from the back of course)


Drill shoulders.


Awesome legs.

Tenouttaten, m8.

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His arms are kinda spaghetti noodle things, and the way the hands are connected is really awkward.

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Spindly in places, but I like it.

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Thats my main complaint with it too actually.
But I seriously have no idea how to make limbs for a thing of this size
Its a miracle i even got close to making them.

His arms seem a little wonky, but everything else (the creature of darkness especially) stacks up well.

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how i made it in like 5 minutes

I mean, it’s nothing spectacular, but it’s a nice touch for this MOC.

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Very impressive!

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The wheel spike armour on the sides of the waist makes it look a little awkward, also the really high shoulder pylons made with the drills also makes the Moc look a little awkward. The legs and feet imo are the best part of the Moc. Overall, pretty cools stuff!

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Rebrick Contest Entry now in the main post!

there’s something a bit off about the arms no one else has said that

but other than that I dig it, though the weapons are I dunno, they feel a bit too small to me