This scene is incomplete, but I thought I’d show it off anyway, as I have been working on this scene off and on for over a year now and as such kind of doubt it will be finished anytime soon.
It shows several DG-ATW-1024-10S walkers assaulting an Imperial research outpost on a snowy world with some DG-ATW-B256-4 walkers (which will get their own topic soon) as support vehicles. A couple of the ATW-1024 walkers have mass driver cannons of an older design on the weapon hardpoint located on the walker’s top. I have much better looking mass driver cannons that I will replace these ones with next time I work on this scene. There are to scale AT-ATs and AT-STs in the scene as well, but they are hard to see because most of them are behind the buildings. There are also to scale TIE Fighters in the scene, but because the hanger is so far from completion, the TIE Fighter models are just sitting on the ground behind the hanger walls and are out of sight as a result. The large turbolaser towers are supposed to be to scale XX-9 heavy turbolaser towers. In total, the model consists of 22,066 pieces at the moment. I have plans to add the currently in development ATW-2048 6-legged walker into this scene once that walker is finished, among other things. The reason the ground is grey instead of white is because while this is under construction, I want all of the LEGO models to stick out against the ground so others can see them better.