“That’s what happens to all us Toa, in the end. We say to ourselves, ‘of course I’m destined to be a Toa. That’s who I am. What else could matter?’ We might be a little nervous at first, but soon we’re righting wrongs and having grand adventures like it was the most normal thing in the world.” He turned the mask over in his hands. “But soon that’s all we can do. The thrill of exploring the world, the joy of fighting evil – that’s all that we live for. Take that away from us, and what are we? A bunch of overgrown Matoran who’ve forgotten where we came from. There’s no place for us.”
I’ve always wanted to see what Takanuva’s mask would like built with system, you did a great job capturing the aesthetic. But the moc as a whole is great.
Thanks! I actually posted a Takanuva MOC a while ago here on TTV. I got into an argument with locals about the way I colored him and people were really trying to enforce their collective view of Takanuva on me. It was a rather negative experience, so I laid off TTV for a while.
I have recently re-vamped Takanuva a bit by removing the CCBS skeleton core from his torso (it had bare balljoints stick out of his hips):